A Gift

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Zhang hao third person POV

Zhang hao gently opened the door, his eyes glancing over at Hanbin to see the younger scrolling on his phone, laid down on his bed. Zhang hao smiled and closed the door behind him, the sound making Hanbin divert his eyes to Zhang hao as if he was waiting for the older to return.

Zhang hao quickly hid the treats behind his back, before walking over to Hanbin, pretending he didn't notice the others confusion. The boy sat down on the corner of the others bed, watching as the younger pushed himself up to be sitting up next to him. Zhang Hao felt small butterflies arise in his chest, realising he would actually have to give Hanbin the snacks but he pushed them down. It was his time to be brave for once.

Zhang hao reached for the other's hand, pulling them out in front of the Korean to form a cupping shape before he awkwardly chuckled. He met the others eyes feeling himself get distracted, almost lost in a way, as his ears began to feel warm. He shook it off and pulled the food from behind his back, placing the cookie and chocolate bar down with a smile.

"Huh? Hyung what is this for?"

Hanbin questioned softly as Zhang hao looked down to his lap knowing in order to be a hundred percent honest he couldn't look at the other while speaking.

"I just wanted to thank you.. you know. I've realised I never really asked you about how you felt just kinda forced my emotions onto you"

Zhang hao's words were less clear than he had hoped them to be but at least he had said it. He continued to look as his hands in his lap, beginning to awkwardly pick at his nails waiting for the younger to at least say something.

Instead he was shocked when he saw Hanbin's hand fall on top of his, halting his fiddling. He hesitantly looked up to see Hanbin, noticing the other was closer than he expected, likely less than a foot away. However to Zhang Hao's surprise, Hanbin leaned even closer until their forwards were touching. Zhang hao almost instinctively closed his eyes, his chest feeling tight at the sudden closeness, making it hard to breathe. He hoped with his eyes closed he would forget how intimate they were right now. 

"Hao hyung just your presence and you being close to me is enough for me okay?"

"Hao hyung just your presence and us being close is enough for me okay?"

Zhang hao tried to nod, it coming off awkward has their foreheads were still touching and neither could see each other, well at least Zhang hao had hoped that was the case, assuming Hanbin's eyes were also closed. They stayed in the same position for a few moments, the older shivering every couple moments when he felt Hanbin's breathes grazed his cheeks. But not long after Zhang hao felt the younger pull gradually away and he immediately missed their closeness. To maintain some intimacy, he turned the others hand so that they would intertwine, squeezing Hanbin's hand lightly. The older couldn't deny that he liked holding hands with his fellow center.

Once Zhang hao felt that the other had completely distanced himself to a more friendly, familiar distance, his eyes flickered back open, only to see Hanbin still glancing at him. Zhang hao couldn't help but to childishly grin when he noticed the others pink blush and sheepish smile, admiring the others cute whisker dimples.

"Your dimples are cute "

He blurted out, his eyes slightly widening when he realised what he had said, noticing that Hanbin went a deeper red colour at the compliment. Zhang hao gently pulled his hand away as Hanbin turned his face to hide his blush that had now trailed down to his neck, causing Zhang hao to chuckle softly. He couldn't deny that he liked to be able to be the one making Hanbin flustered, so use to being in the opposite position.

Once he let go of the others hand completely, he stood up, leaning over to jokingly poke the others dimple before heading over to his cupboard.

"Enjoy your cookie Hanbinie"

He teased in his spur of confidence as he grabbed his sleeping clothes and headed to the bathroom as he still needed to get cleaned after training. In a weird way he felt proud of himself for finally turning some of Hanbin's actions back onto him.


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