A Letter

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Zhang Hao third person POV

Zhang hao had walked back to the dorms with his teammates, a variety of thoughts crossing his mind. Although his team had won, overall K group had beaten them once more. He reminisced on how the others hugged and cheered for him when he got the highest score and even more once the win appeared on their side but as the rounds progressed and G group did not win a single other performance the mood changed. Everyone was quiet, disappointed that G group had lost for the third time, and not even just lost but won only one round out of 7. It made the victory feel hollow to Zhang hao as if it did not hold much value.

They headed back to the dorms in silence, as Zhang hao's members either went into the shower or played on their phone, keeping to themself. Zhang hao stepped over to his bed planning to do the same when he noticed a small white envelope resting on his pillow.

To: Zhang hao <3

Was plastered on the front of the envelope. He didn't recognise the hand writing as he expected to nor for his name to be written in English on the front. He furrowed his eyebrows, and picked it up, his finger trailing over the indented writing of his name, he shook his head and placed it down before going to cupboard. Zhang hao pulled out some jeans, a puffer jacket and oversized black shirt before throwing on his Converse. Once done, he grabbed the letter and his phone before heading outside.

Zhang hao returned to the tree he and Ollie had sat at when he confessed his stresses to the younger. He smiled softly at the memory as he sat down underneath it, shivering as the cold ground met with his legs. He then returned his attention back to the letter, flipping it and and slowly tearing it open, finding a paper letter folded up inside. Zhang hao gently removed the letter from the envelope, unfolding it and flattening out the crinkles, it was long and to Zhang hao's surprise in Mandarin. He wondered if the person who had sent it was in Chinese. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts and began to read.

To: Zhang Hao

Hey, it's the person that has hurt you the most in the show thus far, no other than your fellow center, Sung Hanbin. I wanted to apologise to you for being so intertwined within my own reality that I failed to acknowledge the pain you were experiencing. My selfish actions have led to your pain and I promise I never wanted that.

When I chose you in our game of truth or dare, I truly picked you because I find you the cutest of all the boys, not even just in that room. I never wanted to make you feel belittled or that I was making fun of you. To me, you are genuinely the most beautiful person I have met. Because of this, when I held your wrist and sat by you I was aiming to comfort you, I'm sorry I was so ignorant to realise you were only upset because of me.

I know you probably won't care now or that you aren't even reading this anymore but if you are, please Hao can you give me another chance? I will make it up to you and prove I can be the best friend ever, for whatever you may need. So do you forgive me?

From, Hanbin <3
(Ollie helped me write in Chinese so sorry if it's not perfect hehe. I tried.)

Zhang hao sat in shock, gawking at the letter as his lips pouted, a sense of guilt washing over him. He never had intended to hurt Hanbin like this, he thought the other didn't care and was just trying to improve things to relieve tension others were feeling or for Matthew's sake. He rubbed his eyes in frustration as he folded the letter back up, slipping it into the envelope, and licking the top to reseal it. Once done he stood up, brushing the dirt off of his jeans.

Zhang Hao felt a small smile arise to his lips as he wrapped his jacket around himself closer, snuggling into its warmth. He was, for the first time, happy at the thought of Hanbin. Zhang Hao knew what he now had to do.

He shoved the letter into his jackets pocket before he began to run, running as fast as he could back to their dorm building. He just kept running and running and running until he reached the youngers door. The same he had been at only days prior when the Korean had kissed his cheek.

He took a deep breathe, panting from running so fast, before regaining his postion and slipping a hand through his hair to calm himself down. The knocked on the door.

"H-hi it's Zhang Hao, is Hanbin t-there?"

He stuttered as he stodd a step back, waiting for someone to open it.

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