A New Friendship

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Zhang hao third person POV

The boy stood outside of the dorm, picking at his nails to try and calm his nerves as he heard the door click open, revealing a weakly smiling Hanbin, his head cocked in confusion and hope written all over his face.

Zhang hao glanced up to meet the youngers eyes, returning the smile before gesturing Hanbin to follow him. He turned and began to head for the stairs, the Korean quickly hurrying after him until they were outside. Zhang hao stopped to face the other, gently grabbing him by the wrist as Hanbin had done prior, tugging him forward so their pace was synced. They walked in silence for a few moments before Zhang hao gained the courage to speak.

"Hanbin I really didn't mean for it to go this far, you know that right?"

He mumbled, as he stopped walking and faced the younger, hand still tightly holding onto Hanbin's wrist. Zhang hao felt his ears redden as he met eyes with Hanbin, their bodies close and Hanbin's gaze intensely on him.

"I know hyung, it's okay. "

Zhang hao couldn't help but to notice the spark in the others eyes, he seemed to genuinely forgive him. Zhang hao shook his head rapidly his eyes falling to the ground.

"No it's not okay. I treated you badly just cause I was jealous"

Zhang hao gritted his teeth, his eyes locked to the ground, a frown emerging on his face as his hand retreated from the others wrist and instead balled up into fists. He had never been so frustrated at himself as he was right now.

The older shivered when he felt a set of cold hands run through his hair, glancing up through the loose strands, his eyes locking with Hanbins as a shaken sigh left his lips.

"Hao-hyung can I hug you?"

Hanbin whispered abruptly as his hands fell out of the others hair, falling to his sides. Zhang hao felt his breathe halt at the question before shyly nodding and looking back down at the floor.He felt the warmth of the others hands rest on his waist as he was pulled closer to Hanbin, Zhang hao's head resting on Hanbin's shoulder as he smelt the woody vanilla scent of the others cologne. Zhang hao felt a smile reach his lips, as he quickly hugged the younger back, his arms draped over Hanbin's back. He pushed their chests together with more force than anticipated, causing Hanbin to stumble.

Zhang Hao suddenly felt a weight pulling at his waist as he went to pull away from Hanbin's shoulder, he was instead capculted to the floor. Hanbin had fall backwards as Zhang hao laid sprawled on top of him.


He heard Hanbin wince as Zhang hao rubbed his head, before looking up and accidentally catching the younger boys eyes once more. He felt his ears burn and cheeks flare, noticing he was basically laying on the other. He scrambled off of Hanbin, standing up and dusting off his clothes.


He mumbled as he held a hand out for Hanbin, only to see the other zoned out, hands on his cheeks to try and cool them down. Zhang hao leaned down and grabbed the others hands off of his face before gently tugging him to his feet, wiping off the snow covering Hanbin's jacket. Hanbin stayed silent.

"Hanbin, I-I'm really sorry"

Zhang hao spoke rushed as he eyed the others zoned out expression. He shook his head another loud sigh escaping him. He was about to walk off when he was cornered by the other, holding out his hand much like he did when Zhang hao saw the younger in Matthews room, instead this time Zhang hao accepted it as Hanbin intertwined their fingers. His grip was tight, grounding in a weird way. He heard the other chuckle and Zhang hao couldn't help up to let out a snicker in reponse.

"Let's go back home Hao-hyung, if we stay in these clothes we'll get sick"

Hanbin spoke gently as Zhang hao quickly nodded, allowing the Korean to tug him back to the dorms. Zhang hao felt himself space out, his heart rapidly pumping and a stupid grin on his face. He was so zoned out that he didn't notice they had reached his room. It wasn't until Hanbin let go of his hand and the cold engulfed it that Zhang hao realised it was time to separate.He looked away from his empty hand and back to Hanbin, playing with the hem of his shirt as they stood in silence, staring at each other. Zhang hao noticed the redness of the others nose from the cold and the small freckles dotted on his face now more visible in contrast to the others cold skin.

The other walked closer, a hand cupping Zhang hao's cheek as Zhang hao nibbled at his lip, he observed as Hanbin's eyes sparkled once more, before the Korean leaned in, placing a small peck on Zhang hao's forehead. Zhang hao's eyes widening in response.

"Have a good night Hao-hyung I'll see you later"

Hanbin spoke with a smile before pivoting his heel and walking off, leaving Zhang hao alone with a hand on his forehead, mouth agape and eyes still wide.

"You trying to steal my best friend?"

He heard Matthew's snarky remark from the door frame of the dorm next door as Zhang hao cursed to himself.


I know it's cliché that's the point. 

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