ONE | my king

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A dim light illuminated the dark bedroom. The sound of the air conditioning on full power mixed with the intense clacks of nails on a keyboard. Melody gnawed on her paper straw, finding solace in the hints of mango. She stared at the words on her screen. The letters seemed to blur together the longer she tried to make sense of her homework. She hadn't slept for two days, and with college finals coming up she assumed the number would only be increasing.

Her phone's flashlight blinked in her peripheral, signaling her to a notification. Melody slid the device off the table and read the screen.

"It is Gabriel's Birthday! Click to wish him a happy birthday!" - Fallen Angels

Melody grinned and clicked on the notification. Her phone screen was enveloped in a light pink background. Black roses appeared in the corners of the screen as an image of Gabriel Ashe faded in.

His golden hair and sky blue eyes gave him a regal atmosphere that was only enhanced by his emotionless expression. His eyes seemed to be staring through the screen, looking straight at her. Melody blushed at his unwavering gaze.

Over his head was his affection percentage, 90%. The numbers shimmered and danced as they both stood in idleness. Melody pressed on his name at the bottom of the screen and waited as the chat box opened. Immediately the words, [ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ] we're ready for her.

Melody quickly clicked on the words and waited for the response.

{Did you get me a present?)

Melody snickered. "He is so needy."

[  Yes, me! ;) ]
[ Let's go on a date! ]
[ No, I forgot! :( ]

Melody eyed the last option with curiosity. He doesn't like pushy women so the first response was a no. His past wife, the late queen, was always too forceful when romance was involved. He also hated going out in public so a date was a bad idea. "But maybe he will offer an option if I pick the last one? Though it seems like the wrong response on the surface," she pondered.

( No, I forgot! :( }

{ ... )
{ It's okay. I've got a few ideas. ;) )

[ I'm all ears! ]

Melody clicked the words without hesitation.

95% Affection!
Open chat available for birthday event!

She ignored the numbers above his head as she conversed with Gabriel. They talked about his birthday plans, and how he usually spent his special day. "Working," was how he answered. They continued to talk about life and the futures they wanted for themselves.

( I never had a choice of what I would do with my life. It was lawyer, or doctor. }

( So I picked doctor. I just thought it would be better to save lives then to possibly condemn them. }

{ ... )
{ You and I are more alike than it seem, Melody. )

(You never wanted to be king?}

{ I never wanted to have the power to choose whether to condemn or to save someone. )

{ I just wanted to save who I could, and do what makes me happy.)

( What makes you happy? }

She waited impatiently for his response. Her eyes stayed glued to the three dots in the corner of her screen. Then her breath hitched at just one word.

{ You )

Even if it was the words of a computer programmers code. Even if it was a autogenerated response, her heart couldn't help but flutter. She contemplated her response. But before she could type the screen went white.

100% affection!

Do you want to continue the story?

[YES] [NO]

Melody looked up to her homework and back down to her phone. She would regret not finishing later but Gabriel's confession had left her stunned! She couldn't let things end there! Not to mention that Melody was the first person to ever complete the game and fully win over Gabriel Ashe! This was a once in a lifetime opportunity!

[ YES ]

Her mind became hazy. She assumed it was just the exhaustion catching up to her, but she still tried to fight it.

Loading... Complete!

Everything suddenly went dark.

Transferring to 'Fallen Angel'

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