THIRTY-NINE | my world

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The grass withered as Chris coursed his magic through the soil. If Calum touched the ground he was as good as dead. He threw his sword in the air and gestured for the sword to split apart. The blood blade formed into small needles. With a flick of his finger the blades flew towards the hovering dragon. Calum smirked and roared a breath of fire, extinguishing the needles.

Christopher kept this going for a while. He cursed the blood that touched Calum, and the air surrounding him. He drew the blood from all nearby life and forms them into flying soldiers. Calum threw fire balls and blades at the red creatures lunging at him. He could feel the sting of the poisoned blood when it touched him so he tried to make sure they didn't get close.

Christopher laid shivering on the ground. Using these spells took a major toll on him since he was using his own blood. His face was pale and ghostly. His muscles were faint and lean. But Calum was feeling the affects of his magic, even if it was only a little bit, it was still working.

Calum was growing more and more agitated at the flying blood balls. "DIE YOU ANNOYING PESTS, DIE!" Was all he chanted as fire roared from his mouth. He clicked his tongue when he realized the air was becoming thick with curse magic. It was getting hard for him to breath. Christopher grinned, "this is the end of the line for you lizard boy."

Calum frowned at the shriveled man on the ground. He knew he couldn't kill Chris but god did he want to. He knew Melody's life would be at risk if he harmed Christopher so he had held back for so long. He loved Melody more than his own life. He loved her more than any creature he had sworn to protect in his world as the guardian of magic creatures. He loved her more than the universe's itself. He didn't care if she never loved him back. He just wanted her to be his.


As he fought the blood creatures a realization came to him. "I can love Melody in any form that she is." A bright smile pulled at his lips, "Even if she is dead!"

His eyes twitched and flickered. A bright red light engulfed his frame. A maniacal laughter bellowed from his chest. "How did I not think about that before! I've loved her dead before, I can do it again!"

His skin split apart and reformed into scarlet red scales. His body twisted and reformed into a giant dragon. "Because if I can't have her alive-." He refocused his attention on the pirate laying on the ground. A killing energy rippled through the forest. Trees and animals shriveled and perished. "Then no one can."


Melody was always in hiding. She had sides of her she never told a soul, and characteristics she covered with a smile, but with Calum things were different. She found his game in one of the hardest parts of her life. After entering high school she was bullied heavily for her looks, her status, her awkward personality. She was so alone and depressed she had gotten to a point where she considered ending it all. But Calum was an angel in disguise. And he was the male lead in a demo-game with similar settings to Fallen Angel.

He was a kind man who protected all the magical creatures in the Scarlet Forest. But he was lonely. As the king of the enchanted he ruled the world of magic with an iron fist and a cold heart. But this all changed when a little lost girl named y/n stumbled into his enchanted forest. Humans were known for being big mean and ferocious animals who killed enchanted creatures for sport. The forest creatures were apprehensive towards the small human but eventually her kindness won them over.

Not only did she she melt the frightened hearts of the subjects of the enchanted forest but also their king. The Crimson Dragon, Calum.

As she grew older in the enchanted forest and desired to learn of the human world Calum promised to protect her on their journeys. So when she was a full adult they ventured out of the forest.

It was as they expected. The human race was filled with robbers, rapist, immoral leaders whose minds were filled with greed. Calum's hatred for humans only increased with every filthy gaze a shriveled noble man threw her way.

When the royal family learned that the great dragon was in their kingdom they invited him to the to the crown prince's coronation ball. Calum hoped this would finally be a pleasant memory for y/n but he was wrong.

When the holy sword was presented to the crown prince to induct him as the new king the sword floated in the air, then soar over to y/n instead. She was the true queen of the kingdom. The whole palace went into an uproar. She was the long lost princess, and she was with the great dragon.

As much as Calum desired to bring her back home to the forest the royal family refused. She was trained to become the queen, and he saw how the light in her eyes slowly dwindled. She was also beginning to see the dark sides of the human race. However, she hoped that if Calum was there by her side they could get through it together. They could unite their kingdoms and create a utopian world between magic creatures and humans.

But the crown prince had other plans. Time after time assassination attempts were made against the new queen. They had no proof it was the prince but everyone knew. Then finally the crown prince faction retaliated and waged war.

Peace was starting to become a pipe dream as the continent was split into sides of uniting or staying separate. Y/n fought in this battle alongside Calum with her holy sword. Calum taught her everything she needed to know about wielding this holy magic. Slowly but surely as the gods favor was clearly shown through y/n's feats in battle, the continent began to turn sides.

Calum and y/n toured around to share the hope of a perfectly united world. Of peace. And it had worked. Finally the war was over and Calum and y/n got married and were the perfect rulers.

But two years later it all was over.

As y/n nursed her newborn child a dark aura engulfed the room. The air was thick with poison so she couldn't call for help. Calum was in the enchanted forest, away in business but he knew she was in danger. He abandoned everything and flew with all his might but he was too late. The crown prince had impaled the queen and her child with a demon sword.

The prince had fallen into dark magic, the sole enemy of holy magic. Calum had lost his world in one singular night. The prince only laughed as the tears of blood rolled down Calum's cheeks. He laughed and laughed until the world tilted and his head rolled on the floor. But his voice plagued Calum long after.

The game ended there for Melody but not for Calum. At first he had searched for a way to bring her back to life but he couldn't. Then he tried running the kingdom as it was before but underneath his heart was growing darker and darker.

His dreams and his nightmares were haunted by the girl who had walked into his forest. Fear, confusion, and curiosity was all her face expressed. There was no sign of hatred and prejudice towards his kind. Her voice called to him in his sleep, but the crown prince's laugh plagued him during the day. It reminded him of his failure in protecting the two humans he loved the most in his world.

This was until a new angelic voice spoke to him. "There is a way to find Melody."

"All you need to do is destroy your world. And I can take you to her's."

He burned everything in his sight without hesitation. Ash was all that was left of his world. And soon, so was he.

*** authors note: A long chapter but a good one :)

I am sick again so I'm probably going to post dump again. 😅 he he***

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