TWENTY-SEVEN | my monsters

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Melody collapsed on the ground, tears were pouring down her face like a water fall. Her light pink night gown was soaked with tears. She grabbed at the fabric as her heart squeezed and turned. She had murdered someone.

She sat in that room for hours. The air was becoming thinner as the fog seeped into the room. It was becoming harder to breath but she didn't know what to do.

Melody had three options of escape. She could try flying down through the window. She could find a latch and go down the tower, or she could try and fall asleep to go back to her world.

Melody stared down through the broken window. She wished she had a little voice too so she could find Gabriel. She decided to look around the lab before she made a decision. The more she studied the potions the calmer she became. She found a small square device with small engravings. There was a bright green gem in the center. There was a royal crest on the side. She read the small letters on its side. 'Teleportation Device,' Melody grinned.

She grabbed it and quickly scanned the shelves of potions one more time. She placed the device on the floor and tapped it. She wasn't sure what to do but if her extensive knowledge on fictional magical items proved for anything than she just needed to pour in her mana and think of a place.

She assumed from the royal crest that it was a stolen artifact. But hopefully she could get back into the palace with it. She sat on the floor and closed her eyes. She imagined the sensation of mana pulsing through her veins and into the device. She felt the jewel trimmer. She then visioned Gabriel's bedroom.

As she tried to picture the room she couldn't help but picture the cage. The metal bars that towered over her and taunted her desire for freedom. Her chest tightened again and burned. Was she having another panic attack?

Melody tried to calm down and refocus on her picture but it was too late. She felt her body slowly lift then transport. She opened her eyes and chocked.

"Welcome, Melody."

She was back in the bird cage, but everything around her was straight darkness.

Golden Eyes %130.

Green Eyes %152

Red eyes %213.

Pink Eyes %167.

"You did well Christopher," a voice spoke.

Dark blue eyes blinked open. "Our souls are connected Melody. Did you really think you could escape me?"

'Christain?' She stared in confusion. His number slowly fizzled into view. %160

She was surrounded by monsters.

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