TWENTY-TWO | my emperor

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The Davis family said their goodbyes and then walked out into the cold summer night. Melody turned and went straight to her bedroom.

Her mind was buzzing with questions about how to deal with her situation. If she signed the contract she would marry a man who enjoyed playing with her emotions. But if she didn't, what would happen?

She went to bed feeling restless. The moon light seeped through the white curtains, painting her room in a pale blue hue. In times like these she would go to Fallen Angel to drown her worries. Melody looked over to her phone and sighed.

She grabbed the device and ripped out the charger, then turned on her side. A familiar song hummed through the quiet room.

{ Hello Melody. )


Christain stared up at the ceiling mirror. He watched the shadows in his room squirm and dance from the flickering moonlight. His blue eyes blended in the with the tint of his room.

His mind was restless because it was drowned in the thought of Melody. In every waking moment a small light voice would say her name over and over. It reminded him of how far apart they were.

The voice whispered to him, "your name. What is your name."

Christain's eyes went wide. At first he thought he was simply going crazy but now the voice was asking him questions. "Your name?" He calmed his static mind, "Christian," he answered.


"Your real name."

Christain saw Melody's face in his mind, an image of her on a ship. Her hair blowing freely in the wind. It was as if she was with him on one of his adventures. Her green eyes were filled with curiosity as she stared at the ocean begin. "Your name?" The voice asked again.

"Christopher," he spoke it without thinking.

"Christopher the Great."


Then the world went black.


Melody was running from him. Or a silhouette of who he knew was Melody. She was telling him to hide, and to forget about her. He couldn't do that. He wouldn't do that.

He followed her through the red flames. It burned but he would rather die than let her deal with his mistakes.

{ Melody! Please! )

( I told you to hide! }

{ How could I have lived with myself if I let you go! )

The houses burned down around them. The shops and houses were still untouched except from the flames. They weren't robbers. They were looking for someone.

{ Did you know this was going to happen? )

( ... }

{ Answer me, Melody! )

( Yes. I knew. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to put yourself in danger. }

( You have a empire to run! }

{ And I made a promise to you! )

Christopher grabbed Melody to his chest and held her to him. The burn marks on her body lit a fire in his chest. His sadistic tendencies were resurfacing but he held them back.

{ You know I don't break my promises. )

Melody nodded.

( Because a broken promise isn't a promise- . }

{ It's a lie. And I would never lie to you. )

{ Never. )

The sounds of soldiers running through the city echoed off the building walls. Melody tried to turn to the sound but Christopher grabbed her chin and pulled her face up to him. The flames roared and crackled as he pressed his lips to hers.

{ The traitors! I see them! )

Christopher held her close he had the urge to bask in the pained expression on her face but held back. "I love you."


Melody's eyes shot open. A nostalgic pirate music echoed in her room. She remembered it like it was yesterday but this time the graphics weren't as crummy. His dark green hair wasn't green at all. And Christopher's face was clearer.

"Oh shit."

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