FOURTEEN | my magic

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Gabriel could sing.

It was a revelation that nearly made Melody's eyes pop out of her head. While he watched her walk through the royal library and choose new books to read he was humming a song.

Melody stared wide eyed at the king. He raised an eyebrow at her startled expression. "What?" Gabriel chuckled at her dropped jaw. He walked over to her and used his finger to pick up her chin. "You'll catch flies," he whispered. "You can sing?" She gapped.

He pondered the question, "does humming count as singing?" Melody blinked at him, "it does if your humming sounds like an angel!" Gabriel nodded, "then I guess." He smirked, "why? Do you like my voice." Melody rolled her eyes and turned back to the books. All the books were either about politics, history, or science. There were a couple of novels but they were filled with that old timey language and ancient hand written cursive.

Gabriel continued, "I will sing for you whenever you'd like. All you would need to do is ask." He leaned into her ear, "my queen." Melody cringed and scurried away from him. Gabriel chuckled as she hid behind a bookshelf of grimoires.

She grabbed one and flipped through the pages to distract herself. The words, 'Basic Magic Spells,' caught her eye. 'Can I use magic?' She pondered. Gabriel slipped out a leather covered grimoire and skimmed the title. He flipped to the first page and leaned against the shelf. Melody watched his playful smile morph into a serious expression. He seemed engrossed in the contents on the page. Melody turned back to the book and smiled. 'Maybe I can escape if I use magic!'

She flipped to a page on easy water incantations. She put out her hand as it instructed and whispered the words on the page. For a moment nothing happened until she felt the rush of something warm seep from her chest and into her outstretched palm. She poured a little of the warmth up and out of her fingers. A small water droplet danced in the air and over her finger tips.

A tanned hand intertwined into her fingers and clasped her hand. "You really are a world of wonders," Gabriel spoke in a low voice. He pulled her to his chest and snatched the book from her hand. The book floated in the air, closed, and returned back to its rightful spot on the shelf.

Melody was unable to move her body. He was holding her in a death grip, and fear was starting to trickle up her spine. "No magic until you're ready." Melody stared at their clasped hands. "Gabriel, let me go."

Now that they were so close he could smell the sweet lavender scent on her skin. It was a seductive whisper to the man who desired Melody every second of the day. He kissed her neck causing Melody to flinch away from him. She turned around to push him back but his lips soon sealed hers. He raised their clasped hands over her head. "A world of wonders," he repeated.

Melody was shivering where she stood. She felt fear from his touch. She was disgusted with the way her body reacted to him. It was remembering the night in the forest. "I'll scream," she threatened. Gabriel snickered as he kissed her jaw. "I dare you," he whispered.

Was that it? Was she supposed to let him have his way with her? Melody couldn't do that. She refused to sit still any longer. She put a hand to his chest and pushed. He didn't budge. She closed her eyes, her mind focusing on his lips over her collarbone. The gross feeling of his teeth in her skin. His free hand making its way to her ass.

Melody remembered the spell in the book. It was small and had very little words, but she decided to try her luck. She remembered how it felt when the mana poured out of her. She tried recreating that feeling. In seconds she could feel the bubbling of something foreign travel from her chest to her outstretched hand. But this time she poured out everything.

She drained herself dry of mana and then she released it. Like a firework exploding from her finger, water burst forth with a loud BOOM! Gabriel went flying back and slammed into the bookshelf.

Melody had used magic. Strong magic at that.

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