FORTY-FOUR | my curse

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Crystal crossed her legs in the chair Cordelia once sat in. "So in other words we take him to the the spirit realm, beat the shit out of him and we win?" Melody nervously nodded, "yes but if you come back with me-." Crystal clicked her tongue and stood up. "We just have to make sure Gabriel is aware of the plan right? Then he can 1 v 1 the shit out of that flying lizard."

Melody's eyes watered. "Yes but..." Crystal nodded in understanding. "Then let's do it. Earth was never your world to begin with. When we free Christain you can make the choice. But don't let me be the reason you give up your chance at true happiness." Tears slid down Melody's cheek. Her heart burned at the thought of what she was about to do. "Let's go kill a pirate king," she confirmed.


Cordelia whispered the plan to Gabriel who was utterly confused by the voice in his head. But he trusted that voice because it always led him to his North Star. If he could concentrate his full energy on Calum then that changed things.

Melody had flown with Crystal in her arms. They barely managed to reach the pirate before Calum spotted them. The cynical laughter that erupted through the air made the hair on their arms stand up. Melody grabbed Christopher's face. He was so weak in her hands. His eyes barely registered her presence in front of him. "I'm sorry I brought you into this."

Calum didn't even hesitate before launching a fire ball in her direction. But Gabriel was faster. He cut the spell in half, his face red with rage. "That was your last straw lizard boy. Prepare to die."

Melody held Christophers cold face in her hands and pecked him on the lips. "Transferring Spiritual Realm."


They sat together, face to face. The fog filled the space between them, neither one wanting to move. "Christopher the Great I do not love you anymore."

Like a scene in a movie a man with long black hair, dark blue eyes, and dimpled cheeks separated from the shriveled man on the foggy ground. His arm was replaced by a hook but his clothes were still tattered by fire. "It's good to see you face to face darling," he grinned.

Melody ran to Christain and hugged him. "I'm not your darling any more Christopher." He only laughed. Melody frowned at the far too high number above his head. "Bro where the fuck are we?" Melody looked over to Crystal who was emerging from the fog.

Christopher glared at the cop. "You're the reason Melody doesn't love me anymore." Blood needles appeared in the air faster than Melody could register he had enchanted a spell. Her eyes widened, "no!"

Before the needles could make contact a white light from Melody's fingers shot out towards Crystal. "Holy magic?" Christopher turned to Melody surprised. The light hadn't just reached for Crystal. It was breaking apart into small orbs around them. "Melody."

"You are in my world now Christopher. I'm not the weak girl you were so obsessed with protecting anymore." Christain's complexion seemed to brighten at the touch of the light orbs.

"Holy magic isn't the only power blessed upon you my child," a deep voice cracked as if it was from a weak and dying man. "You are the daughter of a devil. You are a demi-god."

It felt like someone was guiding her arm. The smell of blood was thick in the air around her. "He isn't the only one who can use dark magic."

Melody's green eyes glowed in the fog. Christopher watched as the woman stared at him like he was a lower being. Like he was a bug in her sight. "M-Melody?"

He was... afraid of her?

Her eyes were blank. Her hand danced in the air as if conducting a spell he had no idea the power it would hold. "Take Christain and run to the portal I am creating," Cordelia warned Crystal. Crystal was also staring stunned at the woman she no longer recognized.

But she listened to the voice. She ran towards Melody and grabbed the slowly arising man in her arms. "Wh-what is happening?" Christain muttered. Crystal only shook her head and spoke one word, "run."

A purple light bled through the fog while a dark light was pouring from Melody's hand. "Cure of The Heart Broken."

"Maliki isn't this going to far? Do you plan on ripping this man's soul to pieces!"

"He dared to touch my daughter and curse her soul! He must suffer a slow and painful death for his actions!"

Cordelia could only stand and watch. She didn't have the power to stop a spell of that fortitude, and it's not like she didn't understand her husband. The anger in his eyes slightly frightened her, but... at the same time a part of her loved him for it.

Christopher's blood curdling scream resonated in the endless space. Melody's eyes slowly gained back its light as she watched his body rip apart. "Wh-what did I just do?"

"The curse of the heartbroken. It is the opposite of tethering a soul. It rips it apart till there is nothing left."

Melody noticed the small hint of a smile on Christopher's lips before he was nothing but hints of blood mixed in the fog.

"Christopher the Great has died. 2 left in Fallen Angel 2."

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