TWENTY-FOUR | my reincarnation

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** Authors Note:
That last chapter was definitely a long one, but finally things are rolling. It took me some time to build Christain's character to the way I wanted him, but we got there! My guess is this is going to be a forty chapter book? We shall see if I'm right ;) **


Christain stared at himself in the reflection. Reincarnation was his world's primary belief of what happened after death but he still felt weird having experienced it. The only difference between the Christopher before and the Christain now was the tattoos all over his left arm. In his past life his left arm had been sliced off during a sword fight so he replaced his lower arm with a metal hook. He could change it out for a sword which made dual sword fighting a lot easier.

Now in this life he was ambidextrous and mighty good with his hands. His mind was foggy with sleep but his body was hyper aware. On multiple occasions a staff member or hit man would try and kill him. Either by shooting him or stabbing him but no one got very far. His body was conscious of the whole room. He could sense any movement his body made or someone else.

But when his eyes blinked open he was no longer in his bed.

He was in a forest by a lake that perfectly reflected the moonlight. The light scattered and illuminated the grass and trees. The blue hue of the scenery felt otherworldly. He just didn't know what world. However, he was certain about one thing. The voice was telling him that Melody was also in this world.


Melody grabbed his hand and pulled Gabriel from his chair. "It's late, let's go to sleep," she encouraged. To tell the truth she was the one who was actually sleepy. Gabriel raised an eyebrow, "you want to sleep with me?" Melody shrugged, "yes. Your bed is extremely comfortable." Gabriel chuckled and led her out the office, their hands were still connected.


Melody slid under the familiar sheets. Gabriel tried not to touch her but Melody honestly needed the warmth. If she didn't distract her mind with something it would go back to all the horrible things she would have to deal with in her real world. And his arms around her waist and his chin on her head was a wonderful distraction.

Melody felt numb but she felt at peace. She could forget the fact that she used to be stuck in a cage that was once just across the room. Gabriel loved her. He wasn't obsessed with her. So she was safe... for now.

Gabriel smiled down at the blanket that rose and fell from Melody's drifting consciousness. He hated himself for hurting her and he was scared that he couldn't keep his promise. He hated knowing she was going to disappear from him again like before. He hated not knowing when she would come back.

But she looked so fragile in front of him and he was the cause of so many of the cracks. She had once proclaimed to love him but now he had to rebuild what was broken.

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