THIRTY-SIX | my elias

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Melody stared at her reflection in the mirror. She calmly blow dried her hair, and did her nightly body care routine. When she finished she stepped back and stared at her reflection. On the exterior she looked ethereal. Like her body was absorbed in a beauty filter. But her mind was on murder.

She remembered every god damn thing and now she understood how serious the situation was. There were men with higher affections than this man that she would have to face once she escaped. She wasn't going down without a fight.

She remembered that every time her emotions were intense her memories would come back, but he was always there to erase them. So she needed to remember his name now. Or find away to keep bringing back her memories.

"Melody!" He called to her from the living room. Melody ignored his call and tried thinking. 'What can help me?'

"Melody? It's been thirty minutes. Are you okay in there?" She bit her lip. "Yeah I'm fine!" She called but she knew that wouldn't appease him.

She thought back to the game. What was something that always helped her in hard situations when playing Fallen Angel? Hey eyes widened.

'Online cheat sheets!'

She looked up as if she was talking to god. "Crystal if you are listening to me then please help me." She could hear his foot steps coming into the bedroom.

She quickly whispered her instructions before the door swung open. "Melody?" He asked. She took one big breath before looking into his eyes. Bright pink.

The desperate emotions on her face melted away like ice in a fire. "God babe you scared me. What is it?" She wondered. He blinked at her before smiling. "Come on. Before dinner gets cold." He offered her a hand before helping her up. She hugged his arm. "Oh? What are we eating?"

He looked behind her and to the bathroom and stared in confusion before looking back to his happy girlfriend. He pushed back any suspicions and grinned. "Pizza," he stated. She did a little happy dance making him chuckle.

He looked over head and sighed a breath of relief. %87. He had nothing to worry about.


When Melody woke up she was more energetic than normal. Like a burdened she had been holding had lifted off her shoulders. The morning light didn't stir her snoozing partner beside her. She grinned at his peaceful face and walked to the bathroom.

She scrolled on her phone while she brushed her teeth. What she saw in the number one chart was a post online. A post under her name about all of the things Eros or Elias had done to her.

She stared at her phone in horror as she read the message. It felt like a sick joke. He would never hurt her... right? But it was all too detailed. There were stories she hadn't told anyone before. Like the dates they went on and the nicknames they called each other. But she didn't remember making this post.

Her phone buzzed with a call from her manager. When she answered Tae only said one word. "Run." Her heart stilled. She stared at her reflection. "Okay," she agreed.

So she did.

"Melody?" He stirred from his sleep as she ran out the bathroom. He ripped the comforter off and ran after her. He tried grabbing her but a ball of fire burst from her fingers and flung him away. "Get away from me Elias!" He held his head in pain. Then he realized. "What did you call me?" He looked up and she was gone.

As her heart broke into pieces her memories clicked into place like a puzzle. She pressed the button for the elevator door and panicked as she heard him running through the living room. The doors opened and she ran inside. "Melody!" He yelled. The doors closed oh so slowly.

"Melody! Come on please!" He begged. His figure blurred into view. She didn't look at his face. She couldn't bare the sight of him. "Elias Cheng. I don't love you anymore," she announced. Then the doors closed.


The world dissolved away.

Idol Elias Cheng has been eliminated from the game. 4 left."

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