NINE | my queen

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Muffled moans filled the empty room.

Four days she had left him.

Four days since he took her virginity.

Four days since he had fucked her into a shivering mess before she disappeared into thin air.

When he pictured Melody the image of her arms and legs wrapped around his waist. She smelled like nothing he had ever experienced before. A mix of cucumber and lavender. (She uses the cheapest soap and shampoo brands.)

The frustration was building up and he wasn't sure what he would do when he saw her again. But her clothes were still here. Her black cotton underwear awaited him in his room when he finally went home. His sheets were washed before he could think to tell the maids other wise. Her scent had gradually drifted from his room.

But her clothes were pungent.

And he got hard at just the thought of her. By the end of the fourth day he had fucked her clothes ragged. His scent had started to cover hers.

Frustration was starting to become a normal emotion for him.

Then he heard it. The soft voice of an angel telling him his Melody was here.

'Melody wishes to speak with you! Meet her in the rose garden!'

He looked out his office window. The rose garden was right past the glass. He contemplated just breaking the glass and jumping through, but he didn't want to scare her.

'She wants to speak to me?'

He poured mana over his body and teleported to the the entrance of the rose garden. Before entering he quickly fixed his hair and straightened his red and gold robe. He speed walked down the aisles till he reached the center.

Melody was holding a plucked rose bud in her hands. She smelled the petals before wincing at her pricked finger. Gabriel smiled. Plucking palace flowers was against the law but he didn't mind. He would rather have his own finger chopped off than to subject her to something as inconvenient as the palace laws.

He walked over to her and plucked the rose out of her fingers. He used magic to create a small wind blade which he used to de-thorn the rose. Once he was done he slid the flower behind her ear. "Beautiful," he grinned.

Melody's face was enveloped in a blush as red as the rose. "How did you know I was here?" Gabriel tapped his head. "A voice told me." Melody nodded. He always found her somehow.

She had gained the determination to come here but now that she was in front of him...

Melody was still in her black sweat pants and hoodie. She fidgeted with her sleeves. Confronting a person was a lot harder than just thinking about it. Gabriel could see how nervous she was but he didn't want to undermine the resolve on her face. Gabriel looked up to his palace. "Can I show you inside? Have you eaten?"

Melody thought back on the meals she had through the day. A bag of carrots, a bowl of ramen, and a popsicle. "I am kind of hungry," she agreed. Gabriel face brightened. He placed a hand on her back and guided her to his palace. Melody sheepishly walked beside him. He was being such a gentleman, and she was sure he had recognized how nervous she was. But he was letting her gain her courage. 'He really is a king,' she awed.


The looks of pure confusion was evident on everyone's face as their king brought in a foreign girl. She had strange black clothes not to mention her black hair. But his majesty looked at this girl with such a soft expression no one dared to say anything. They had never seen their king so lighthearted.

Melody was even more nervous now that she was seeing for the first time the castle she had seen only in pictures on her phone. She recognized the photo of the royal family that sat over the dining hall doors.

Everything from the style of the doors to the statues that lined the walls were familiar to her. It was all so exciting until she finally realized the severity of the situation. She was in the royal palace with the king of the whole Ashe Kingdom.

"Oh my god, should I be calling you your majesty!" Gabriel hadn't even thought about it. He shrugged as they waited for the knights to push open the dining hall doors. "If you want. I don't really mind either way. But only if I can call you something different too." Melody raised an eyebrow, "like what?"

He leaned close to her ear, "my queen."

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