Chapter 1

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December 11 1958 - December 23 1987. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle December really isn't our month. I felt awful I felt like I could just die with him. I tried to run my hand through my fro but it tangled in the curls. I wanted to cry to yell out to the gods but I couldn't. I couldn't help but think about where the problem started. No I knew where it started that fateful fucking year. But I can't start there I'll start from the beginning.



My body ached as I woke up to the sound of flies buzzing over last night's left-out dinner. "Lavender," my sister spoke softly, shaking me more awake. I propped myself up on my elbow, turning to face my sister.

The room was cold and dark so dark I couldn't see the normally bright blue mat I slept on every night. "She's late," she said. I could hear the excitement in her voice. I forced myself up, feeling around in the dark for the curtains. "Close your eyes, Rose," I said as I opened the curtains, the light hurting my eyes.

"She's quite early, whoever you talking about," I said. The sun had just begun to hug the skies. Kissing her with rose-colored lips, that color skies a soft pinkish red. "No, not that come, look at the laundry." She grabbed my hand, pulling me outside to the clothes that hung outside the cold morning air, making me shiver.

"Where are we going so early?" I asked, holding on to her for warmth, "this is not our yard, " she shushed me. "Look," she pointed at the white sheet. "I don't see what you mean it's a sheet."

"Lilly's sheet." I looked at her confused. She sighed, "When did you last wash clothes," she asked me. "4 weeks ago, why?" "Come, " she pulled me to the church, and I began to worry. I was still wearing my nightgown. What if someone were to see us?

The church was oddly empty this time of day. Normally, there were at least 5 people in at once. The purple seats were empty, except at every end of a row was a bible sitting ready for the next service.

She walked me to the back room in the middle of it on the back wall was a book. The room had no lights, only candles and matches.

We walked to the back near the book. "You walked me here to log your period?" I asked, slightly annoyed, "no look, Lilly logged hers last night, but her sheets show no blood, " she smiled. "Wouldn't that mean?" she nodded, I nearly screamed but stopped myself.

"There's a wedding coming," I said. "More like a fight." she took my hand and walked out of the church. We couldn't help but laugh as we walked back to our house. "LAVENDER, ROSE GET IN THIS HOUSE," a voice slurred. "It's Mister," I said as we started to run into the house. He already had a bottle of something in his hands when we walked in. "W.. was where you," he asked, taking a seat near the table. "The church, sir."

"The church, at this time?" He asked us, drinking some more of the ugly brown drink. "Yes, sir," he looked at me before getting up. "In your nightgown," he asked, looking down at my feet. "With no shoes?" I looked at the door behind him. "Yes, sir."

"I'll ask you again," he said, slurring his words. "Where were you two?" "The church," I said again he laughed, putting down the bottle on the table. He smiles an evil smile, the kind that made your stomach twist.

Walking up to us, he placed a hand on my shoulder. "The truth," he said, "I'm telling the truth we were at the chu -" I felt a slap on my cheek, and a push knocked me down. Before I had time to react, he was standing over me. I felt myself curve into a ball as he kicked me.

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