Chapter 3

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Warning slight smut nothing major


2 years had passed since I'd run away from home. A whole two years since I've seen my stepdad, Lilly, Josiah, and my mom. Speaking of my mom, no one seems to talk much about her. It's like the very name is banned in the house. I haven't bothered to ask why though.

It seems like the last time she was mentioned was on the car ride back home. It didn't matter to me the memories that flood my head when I think of her make me want to sob.

I started working as a waiter at my uncle's dinner to help with bills. To be honest I wasn't sure how I got the job, I had no real education. I wasn't dumb by any means I could read, and write, I was a fast learner for things I didn't know but there were no changes in enrolling kids who'd never been in school, especially with no proof they'd even been in school.

I'd feel in love with everything I was told to hate with every fiber of my being. Drinks and slutty clothes become the things that got me out of bed in the morning.

"Hey you going to Natasha's party tonight," Rose asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I just gotta wait for V to pick me up" I answered. V was my best friend since I moved here. I offered him a piece of gum one day and we became best friends. He kept me out of trouble and I pushed him out of his comfort zone.

"You gotta date tonight?" I asked her, "You know who my date is" I rolled my eyes she'd met a boy when we first came. Tommy? Tim? I don't fucking know.

What I do know is she has a fat crush on him, to the point I hear her talking about him in her sleep. "Yeah, Tommy right?" I watched her squeal as she jumped onto her bed. "LISTEN to me ok," she said giggling, "I've been wearing this peach perfume, chewing peach gum, I've been wearing peach lip gloss just in case" I laughed as grandma came in the room.

"Just in case what?" She asked, I held onto the bathroom sink trying not to bust out laughing as the color drained from her face. "In case he passes out and needs CPR," she said trying her best to look innocent. "Oh mouth to mouth," Grandma said her voice mocking hers, "well let me find out you have been giving boys mouth to mouth," she said playing hitting the air.

"Could you imagine that Lavender?" She asked, "I'm trying to figure out you trying to smell like peaches,"

"He likes peaches," she said, "he likes peaches or you saw him eat a peach" "I've seen him eat a lot of peaches, now when he eats them He thinks of me"

"What I'm trying to figure out is why you trying to change yourself, if that boy like you he likes you peach or no peach," she said rubbing her shoulder. "That's what I've been saying," I said starting in my makeup.

"Well somethings working he asked me to watch this band with him," she said, "some random rock band" She walked over to the closet. "I didn't know you liked to rock," Grandma said getting up to let us finish changing.

"She doesn't" I yelled after her, finishing up the liner I was carefully putting on my lips. "I do when I'm around him" She carefully put on her clothes, a short black dress with fishnets and I black leather jacket.

"What's the band's name?" I asked her she looked at me confused. "Paris, France" her voice trailed off. "London" I heard the familiar voice of V. I looked at his short ass pale ass. His hair long black hair was done up in his normal spikey way.

"London yeah that's it," Rose said snapping her fingers. "You know them," I asked him He nodded sitting on my bed. "I like them can we go," He asked. "Uh no we need to go to Natasha's for her party we can't miss it," he sighed dramatically. "She'll have a party next week please" he begged.

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