Chapter 2

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"You want me to help you out of the farm?" He ran his hand through his thinning brown hair, and he wiped his sweaty face as if the act of opening the door and moving so we can get in, and sitting back down winded him.

"It is not like we can walk out the gates" Rose answered slightly annoyed I gently hit her arm. "Yes, there's nothing left for us here," I said calmly my hands crossed over my chest. "They don't even allow the woman to the gates it isn't too dangerous," he said ignoring Rose. "Then you will hide us," Rose said holding the bag to her tightly as if scared someone would snatch it.

"Why would I do anything for you," he asked and I felt myself laugh, "I know something about Lilly don't forget. I'll have her beaten and hung in a matter of hours if you continue to play with me" I shrugged, it freaked me out how calmly I said that like the idea of causing someone's death didn't matter. It didn't.

He sucked in the air through his teeth, "Fine you happen to be lucky I'm transporting the crops today," I smiled happily as he came to his senses. The plan was simple he would hide us in some boxes and drop us off at the gas station furthest from there.

After that, all we would have was each other and a small pink notebook that told us everything we needed to know. "Alright stay here ill get the truck" I nodded holding Rose's hand as we waited. "You can change your mind," I said quietly.

"You won't, you aren't going to spend your damn life on this farm nether am I" she sighed, "you'd rather die than spend another day here but you would if I stayed, wouldn't you?" she asked me. Before I could answer the question her dad walked back into the room.

"Alright come on ill help you up into the truck, into the boxes" I didn't realize the first few times I spoke to him, mostly because I was always stressed around him, but he had a slight southern accent. One I'd only ever heard in movies or while people from other compounds visited our preacher.

He didn't look as nervous as I thought he would considering we'd be dead if anyone found out. I could barely fit in the box, the air thinning around my nostrils. It didn't help that the morning sun bogged down on the hot black boxes. The only relief was a few tiny holes poked on the top of the box that let in cool air.

The car started the unmistakable sound of an old, near-death engine ringing in my ears. For some reason it sounded beautiful like I had stumbled onto music made only by angels, untouched by the sins of man.

The car started to move and I felt my stomach flip with guilt. What would happen to our mother? Surely she wouldn't be punished for this. Right? What about Rose she had a chance of making a life could I just be tearing her away for my selfish gain?

Am I just bitter over the loss of Josiah? I hate to admit this, but most of the reason I was hunched over the toilet was that the image of them fucking made me want to die inside. The box started to heat up burning me like hot metal I was sure the plastic would melt. The drive went on for what felt like hours but the way I could hear him talking to the gatekeeper made me sure it was not even 15 minutes.

Not even close.

The sweat from my forehead was the only thing keeping me cool. Laying on my back with my knees to my stomach was getting uncomfortable. Fast. But when I heard the sounds of the gates opening I knew we were home free. I wondered how Rose was doing, she hated uncomfortable positions I could only imagine that the large burlap bag would cover her like a blanket.

After a bit of driving, I felt the car stop and heard the slamming of a door. I didn't think much of it, he must have reached the first stop. Much to my surprise, he opened the lid to the box helping me out of my uncomfortable position. "It's too hot to be in the box you'll be better sitting in the front," he said as he helped Rose. Who thanked him, I jumped from the ramp helping my younger sister down.

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