Chapter 4

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"Oh God".
The boys, who were engrossed in the sudden shout, were caught in the moment and lost their balance here and there and lost their rhythm. Sighs close to abuse erupted from everywhere, but everyone already knew the cause. Instantly, all eyes focused on one place, and the coach, with one hand on his waist, sighed and pointed to his forehead.
"Hurst, what's the number? How many times have I told you to hold the handlebars horizontally and pull all the way out?" "Huh?"
he yelled in frustration. Lucien's hunched shoulders and shapeless frame would have seemed pitiful at first glance, but no one showed compassion for him. Even he was holding back what he wanted to tell her.
Checking Lucien's posture again, the coach clapped his hands to conjure up his surroundings.
"Now again! Let's cheer up some more." Get in position, grab the handlebars, get ready, go!"
Soon there was a quick, regular sound. They all began to practice, moving their bodies from side to side in perfect order, but only one didn't. Faced with the repeated appearance of Lucien, who appeared and disappeared from her sight in an untimely manner, she forcibly avoided his eyes and pretended not to notice.
It was the worst choice to bring Lucien Hurst to such a place. Of course, no one knew at the time. Everyone praised him, and Emilio even looked at him with eyes full of gratitude and respect. He became the hero of the rowing team in an instant. That day was really the best.
Of course, the best time soon came to an end. Lucien Hurst revealed the entire substance less than a day later. It wasn't long before everyone realized that he was really, literally, useless for anything other than padding head counts. It's definitely his fault that he didn't speak to him right from the start at the beginning. Because I dragged it here. Therefore, every time he moved from side to side, the drooping T-shirt would catch on the seat and he would get scared and even slip out of the seat, so he hastened to hold it and kindly added an explanation.
"From now on, wear an undershirt and shorts."
Unexpectedly, Lucien apologized a bit. He patted her arm as if it weren't such a big deal and went back to practicing. Unfortunately, that was only the beginning. It had to be repeated several times, but the handlebars would not change, and many times he would huddle in a row and listen to the annoying scolding of the coach, and his legs would often widen and he would almost injure himself because the handlebars he was pulling slipped off.
Above all, the worst thing was the fact that the sense of rhythm was as difficult to understand as Lacan's philosophy. The most important thing in rowing was rhythm. The key is to move the boat forward by repeating the same movements in unison with the beat, but he couldn't do it at all. The coach's patience ran out in just two days. Who would have imagined that such a bomb would be a volunteer who urgently visited the place due to the few remaining games?
"Oh God!"
At Lucien's shout again, everyone concentrated on practicing without saying anything. Of course, that included Dilly.
* * * * *
"Enough! Don't rest, get up! Walk! Drink water!"
At the shout of the coach, the guys who pulled the steering wheel with all their might on the rowing machine stopped moving here and there. The sound of heavy breathing mixed together, and one by one, the tired body could be seen slowly rising up. He was no exception, but he slumped up from his seat and picked up a plastic bottle. The heart continued to pound at the temples as he gulped down water.
The daily rowing practice was simply hell. I thought it was just paddling back and forth, but my God, I was wrong. I can't believe it was such a high level workout to overload my whole body. If I could go back to that day I would flatly refuse. Damn, the oar, never, never.......
The call brought him back to himself suddenly. Emilio stood up when he turned his head. He also looked tired, but he still didn't lose his pretty smile. Her heart, which had been pounding until then, began to race again for another reason. When he accidentally grabbed the plastic bottle in his hand, the empty bottle crumpled and fell apart. Emilio continued to smile as he hastily lowered his hand and looked at him with an awkward smile.
"It's very difficult, isn't it?" I should start preparing for the entrance exam, but thank you for coming to practice regularly."
"Oh well, you said you would. It's okay."
He had no choice but to say it. In the first place, Emilio's smile fascinated him and he came here, so he owes it to him. Maybe even if I go back to that day with his current memory, he'll nod immediately. Isn't it natural to pay so much to see such a handsome Emilio every day?
Naturally, he started to pace from side to side and had a useless conversation with Emilio. This time too it was the sweetness that followed the pain. He was always willing to dedicate time to it because it was a fruit that came into his hands. It was amazing and pleasant to see the body, which had been unable to move where the fatigue had gone, walk like this and speak through the mouth. It was another pain to hold this cute Emilio tightly and contain the urge to kiss him.
"By the way, Dilly, if nothing happens today......."
It was when she delighted him with the opening of the invitation in his ears. My god, is this it? An appointment? really ? When she saw him in an instant, she thought, feeling the corner of her mouth tear. God, no one can take away this sweet and bitter moment...
The deep, insidious voice suddenly broke the illusion. Suddenly, he stopped walking with a feeling of cold water and slowly looked back, and as expected, his face was standing looking at him.
It's Lucien Hurst.
Inadvertently, he sighs and hastily shuts his mouth. A slender body, hunched back, shoulder rolled forward, chin jutting out from all over the turtleneck, and one thin eye above the thick lens looking up at him.
She barely suppressed the desire to close her eyes to such a familiar shape. It was also Emilio who was embarrassed. But it was also only a brief moment. Emilio quickly smiled brightly and spoke nonchalantly.
"Sorry, my friend was waiting for me."
"Oh no."
She quickly looked away from Lucien and looked at Emilio. But before I could say anything, he stepped back and said.
"Then I'll go......."
"Wait, wait, wait, Emi! What were you going to say? Huh? Tell me!"
Emilio stopped walking and looked at him when he asked, approaching him urgently. He opened his mouth with a smile that seemed embarrassed and pained.
"Oh, I was just asking you to go to the bedroom with me. It's nothing, so don't worry."
Emilio didn't care, he smiled, waved and really walked away. He just stared helplessly at the back of the faery that was walking away. The contentment and joy that filled the heart receded like the ebbing tide, and only emptiness remained. He looked back reluctantly, shoulders slumped, not even savoring the moment for a long moment. Lucien was still standing there.
As soon as she saw him, she let out a deep breath as if all the air had left her lungs. She felt her face darken on its own, but she couldn't help it. I'm so tired that I don't have the energy to put on a forced expression. He looked at Emilio indifferently, as if all the energy he had left had been spent on him, and now he had no energy at all. like to say what he had to say.
Until then, the guy who was standing far away opened his mouth. In a very slow, slow way of voice
"Since practice is over......I have to go to the dormitory......"
It was exactly what I expected. Every day, he told her the same thing without a single mistake. No, one more thing added today.
"Shall we go out to buy something to eat?"
Lucien lifted his lips and laughed at the careful question. Apparently, his smiling but spine-chilling face is probably due to his complexion and stooped shoulders, which have turned gray due to intense training. She hurriedly shook her head as if she was looking at the devilish grandmother from a fairy tale.
"No, it's fine. I had dinner earlier, before training."
Of course it's a lie. In fact, she was starving, but she would rather starve than go out with Lucien. All she could think of was that she wanted to get him over with as soon as possible. But do you want me to go out with you? That's ridiculous.
Lucien's slumped shoulders dropped even more, as if disappointed, as she looked up at him with a forced smile. Seeing him, she was afraid he might make another suggestion, so she hurried on.
"Let's go back, I can't wait to wash up and lie down in bed." My whole body hurts".
He turned around first laughing for no reason and his expression immediately hardened. Lucien was quick to follow him as he forced himself to swallow a breath that was about to come out again and was forced to walk. In Emilio's place, he walked off the driving range, rather calm, with Lucien Hurst.

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