Chapter 33

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For a moment her heart sank. The sound didn't come out immediately, so he paused. Her mouth was so dry that she moved her tongue hard to get saliva out, but nothing came out, so she stood up and tried to make her voice come out. After a shaky breath, he finally opened his mouth.
"Oh hi, Luth. It's me."
After meaningless greetings, there was silence. What is Lucien thinking? He hesitated because he thought he was waiting for his words.
"Hey...... I called because I was wondering how you were doing. Are you alright?"
The word "Are you okay?" it had many meanings. After that, everything was fine, how do you feel, is there anything I can do to help.......
I was thinking about this and that, and Lucien answered in between.
"Everything is fine. Thanks for worrying."
"Do not lie."
His father hit him hard, feeling his heart go numb.
"There's no way you should be okay, you've been subjected to what......"
She felt so sorry for Lucien when she said that, her nose tingled. What will happen to Lucien? How will they treat him when they leave him alone in that desolate mansion? When he thought that, pity seemed to fill his heart.
Lucien gasped when he couldn't speak because his heart choked for a moment.
"It's okay, really. This is nothing."
He added, reassuringly enough, for Dylan.
"He's much better than before. I'm fine too, so don't worry."
Even so, Lucien muttered to her in a bitter voice as she was about to say it.
"You're still a Moor, Dilly."
At the unexpected comment, he blinked. He doesn't know what it means, but Lucien went on without explaining the meaning.
"Why did you change your mind about college?"
When asked again this time, he added in a still low voice.
"University, you said you weren't going. But why did you change your mind?"
And then he realized. He doesn't understand anything from Luth's point of view. Because he doesn't know what happened after that.
"That is..."
Is it okay to say it's okay now?
The memory of Lucien strangling came to life and she inadvertently put her hand to her neck. Suddenly, he felt suffocated and the pressure from then ran through his entire body. She gagged at the illusion of a sweet scent flowing down the end of her nose.
Lucien called to him from the other end of the comlink. Suddenly he came to his senses as if he had been covered in cold water. All was quiet and he was alone. It's okay, he thought. Luth is not here. I'm fine.
Woo-woo, he took a deep breath to calm his chest and answered.
"Hey, I'm dating Emilio."
In between, a hoarse voice was mixed in and cut off inevitably. Hmm, she cleared her throat with a dry cough and kept talking.
"Emilio wants to go to the same university...... Even if we go to the university separately, we can see each other as long as we live nearby......"
When I quietly explained why I had changed my mind, Lucien just listened without saying a word. He remained silent for a moment after the explanation. What are you thinking ? Lucien muttered to himself as he felt anxious inside.
"It was because of Emilio."
The low, gravelly voice made her shoulders inadvertently tense. Her heart was pounding and the sound of a pulse seemed to ring in her ears. For a few seconds, before the next word came out, he concentrated all his nerves in his ears with his whole body hardened.
"Congratulations on your success with Emilio."
His words slowly entered her head. A calm tone, a friendly greeting, and a soft voice had no place. A long sigh of relief welled up in Dylan. Lucien continued, as if he had realized that he was very nervous.
"Don't worry too much about me, I'm just a little unlucky today."
His tone was so nonchalant that it seemed as if it had rained this morning. No, it was so normal that it seemed more special to say that it had rained. She listened to Lucien because she wanted to know his true feelings, but she continued with a similar tone.
"Thank you for helping me today. I'm glad you called me that."
"Uh huh, me too."
He opened his mouth nonchalantly.
"I was glad to see you again, too, Luth. I'm glad you're doing well."
As soon as he said that he realized that it was not appropriate to say that he was fine. What am I saying after seeing you mistreated like that? I can't believe you're saying this insensitivity just because you seem sane on the outside.
When he turned pathetic, Lucien gasped.
"I was really sorry last time. I'm sorry I didn't apologize properly earlier."
I'm sorry over and over again, he added. in a still flat tone
"I was a little nervous because I found you after a long time. ...... Look, let's do it again...... Can we be friends?"
He got nervous for a moment. Not that he thought so either, but it seemed too cheeky. Luth confessed and that situation happened, and now she's even going out with Emilio and you're his friend? We can do that?
As the hesitation time became longer, the other party took out the words first.
"......I can't do that either, sorry. I was so shameless."
"Oh no, it's not like that."
Suddenly, he hurriedly yelled, startled by the depressed voice. She hurried to check the phone, which screamed with a sense of crisis, as if it was going to hang up at any moment. The call was still connected. After sweeping his chest, he brought the phone to his ear again.
"Okay then. I've done something wrong to you...... I think you deserved to be angry. Of course, that behavior was too much, but you excused me, and I can move on because it's in the past. I want to be as close to you." like before.......".
Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth. She thought she shouldn't give Lucien false hope. I am also responsible for causing such an accident.
“I'm dating Emilio. But if I'm still your friend that you confessed you liked, Emilio would feel uncomfortable and get agitated for no reason…… I don't think that's possible.”
Sorry, and apologized again. Do you think Luth has understood? He was nervous inside, but Lucien opened his mouth.
"Are you saying you can't because of Emilio?"
He paused for a moment, but Lucien spoke without dragging his feet.
"Now wait a minute."
She called out urgently, but Lucien just hung up. I look down at the mobile, I put it to his ear and he picked it up after repeating it several times.
He's angry?
Maybe Lucien just wanted a friendly relationship. It might be quite unpleasant to guess for no reason. He had already given up on his feelings for me, but if I didn't know and make a fuss, of course I would feel bad.
Looking at his mobile, he thought bitterly. I shouldn't have contacted you from the beginning. Why do you provoke Lucien when you can't do this or that? Angry at his inexperience and clumsy good intentions, he pounded hard on the pillow.
* * * * *
"Dilly, is there still a long way to go?"
He could hear his mother calling downstairs. Coming out of the last room, he hastily moved his feet and answered.
"If I go to there!"
When he hurried downstairs, everyone, including Elliott, was already prepared and waiting for him. After apologizing for being late, he followed them outside and saw a car prepared in advance.
"Do you drive yourself?"
When asked while sitting in the backseat with Elliott, "Of course, alcohol will come and go at the party," his father replied with a smile.
"You should drive when you get back, like this."
Both his mother and him laughed. He could faintly hear his father's hum.
It was around Thanksgiving when an old acquaintance of your father invited my family to a Christmas party. Their mother bought a dress soon and so did they. Elliott in a tailcoat was especially handsome, so the whole family got together and took some photos.
Returning home for the winter holidays, Emilio and Dylan calmed down their nostalgia through a video call. It was also a daily routine to go out carefully and sit in the car talking on the phone when everyone fell asleep for fear that their families would overhear the conversation.
"I hope the semester starts soon."
Emilio always said the same thing when he hung up. I felt the same. It's the first time I've waited so long.
Preparations for admission to the university went smoothly. Apparently, the start was delayed due to the "accident", but the consulting company that his parents had found beforehand was quite fast and had quite a bit of skill. Dylan took care of the necessary documents and all the preparations, and he just had to follow them as he was told. The opportunity to apply early disappeared due to the late preparation, but thanks to this he was able to focus more calmly on regular recruitment. Of course, his parents did not spare support.
"I hope the results come out soon."
"I haven't received the documents yet."
He responded with a laugh at his father's words. If the calendar moves forward in time for the regular draft, the results won't be out until April. Until then, there was no choice but to relax. As if her mother reproached her for that, she looked into his eyes and laughed again.
 As usual, today has been a common Christmas Eve. People come together and reminisce about the past year, talk about expectations for the coming year and share kisses under the mistletoe.
A kiss.
At the wheel a smile was drawn on his face. Today is different. Emilio said that he would come to the party today. When she found out over the phone a few days ago, she almost screamed with joy. He thought that he would not see him in the whole winter break, but he never thought that there would be an event like this. It looked like a secret gift that Santa Claus had prepared for them.
I'm sure Emilio is looking forward to it.
He managed to hold back the hum and eased his foot down on the accelerator. The car was going faster than usual, but to Dylan it seemed limitlessly slow.
* * * * *
"Welcome back, Mr. Avery. Ma'am. Merry Christmas!"
He was standing behind his parents, who greeted him lightly, thanking him for inviting the owner, who shook his hand and hugged him. He was on time, but more than half the room was already packed with people. Here is Emily. Just thinking about it made her heart swell and swell as if it were going to explode.
"Come on, Dilly. Oh, you've grown bigger."
He smiled slightly at the wife's greeting.
"Good evening, Mrs. Beatrice. Thank you for inviting me."
As he bowed and stepped back, he said with a satisfied face.
"It must be great that your eldest son is so trustworthy." Everyone is already interested in what kind of girl he will marry."
The parents couldn't hide their laughter when they said that.
"We'll just have to work it out little by little. We're excited about it too. Whichever Dilly chooses is welcome."
As long as she's a sweet girl.
I added in their mind, but of course none of them noticed. He remained courteous and waited for me to finish this boring conversation.
He barely broke free of the adults and was left alone, so he sighed for a long time as if he were suddenly throwing up his blocked breath. He rubbed his forehead because he felt like his head was aching. In the large room, many people gathered two by two and three by three to talk. He walked slowly and looked for Emilio.
I have not arrived yet?
He took out his phone and checked the message, but there was nothing. It was when he typed: "When are you coming? I'm here" and hit the transfer button.
Suddenly, someone called him from behind and hugged him. It surprised him for a moment, but soon after he turned his head with a smile and checked. As expected, a chubby and somewhat short boy over his shoulder was smiling at him.
When she turned around and hugged him tightly, he hugged her back. At times like this, people's prejudices were appreciated. Everyone would think that children his age only meet friends and greet each other happily.
"I've missed you".
said Emilio, who managed to get away. Dylan also stroked her cheek and whispered to her.
"Me too".
She wanted to kiss him, but her physical contact with people's prejudices as a shield was her limit. Instead, she grabbed him tightly by the arms and lowered her hand bitterly.
"And your parents?"
Emilio didn't take long to answer his question.
"He's greeting people. I left hungry."
"Well done".
Emilio smiled when he praised him again. The screams rang loudly amid the noise. It's almost midnight. They will all scream in time. Merry christmas.
They buried themselves in the crowd to see each other's faces. They needed a place to be alone. The room where the coat was kept, or the corner of the garden, any place was fine. If we can be together
It was when they exchanged anxious glances with each other that they felt a strange atmosphere.
What is it about?
When he nonchalantly looked around, other people were looking at the same spot. Strangely, the atmosphere of the party was turning in the same direction, he blinked in amazement. What could it be?
The reason was immediately apparent.
Emilio whispered in an embarrassed voice. But he couldn't say anything either. And it is that before his eyes an incredible spectacle was unfolding.
There was a man standing at the place where people's gazes fell. Sporting fine dark hair and a wrinkle-free tailcoat, he commanded attention just by being. He could have been envied by anyone, including his straight back, confidently open chest, and tall stature. As if to prove it, the eyes of the people gathered at the party were on him, and the man just moved slowly in an indifferent way, as if he looked familiar. And it seemed to emit a brighter light under the splendid chandelier. Dylan couldn't believe his eyes and remained standing, expressionless.
They were all strangers to him. It was obviously a face he knew, but he couldn't recognize it at all. What had happened? He swallowed dry saliva through his mouth and tried to understand the situation somehow. But absolutely nothing occurred to him.
Lucian .
He tried to get her name into his mouth, but it didn't seem real. Are you sure it's Lucien? That kind? It's totally different. No, his face is definitely that. What is it? Why has it changed so much?
It's only been a month since they last saw each other. But Lucien's appearance was different from then. It was like nothing he had seen before. Her face, which smiled weakly at her interlocutor and smiled so leisurely, was so unfamiliar.
"He is the youngest of the Hurst family."
I heard someone whisper. Another voice interrupted.
"Is it alpha dominant?" The color of her eyes is a little light."
"The Pittman family and the Miller family have very dark colors."
"Anyway, the traits are true. This is the first time I've seen this. He's a domineering person. Why did Mr. Hurst bring his youngest son here?"
"It's time to introduce it to the people. I've heard that you'll be an adult soon."
"It's really beautiful."
"That's right, as expected, make domineering. That imposing gait......."
He was surprised once more by the compliment that followed. Her voice was filled with longing and ecstasy. They weren't the only ones looking around. They all looked at Lucien sleepily. What had happened?
Emilio called to him again and tugged on his arm. Then he came to his senses and quickly grabbed Emilio's hand. This was not the time to do this. Now is the time. Now people won't realize they're dating. Emilio also looked at him. He turned around and started walking with a slight wink.
"Excuse me, wait, I'm sorry."
He advanced in line asking for the understanding of the people. Emilio took him by the hand and followed him hard. As expected, people were not interested in them at all. For a while everything seemed to be going pretty well. But he soon realized that he had taken reality too lightly.
Several people interrupted him by speaking. When he hesitated for a moment, another group of people chattered past behind him. Just for a moment they lost each other. And when she looked back in embarrassment, Emilio had already let himself be carried away by people.
He got scared and looked around calling his name, but couldn't see him. He tried to go back the way he had come, but that too was impossible. Perhaps because it was approaching midnight, excitement was spreading among the people. There were burning eyes here and there looking at the other party expectantly, and impatient people shared kisses under the mistletoe. People who don't drink make a drunk face. In such confusion, he stared everywhere, embarrassed like a lost child.
"Emi, Emi."
He managed to find him in the crowd. Perhaps due to the crowd, the mobile did not work well, and often cut off when it seemed to receive a signal. He was about to curse without realizing it.
" Oh."
Finally, Emilio's hair came into view, which seemed to belong to him. He immediately took cover and moved, but his hasty gesture sparked anger.
She bumped into a waiter who was moving with a tray on which was an empty plate, and she staggered with a little cry. Perhaps due to the sudden shock, he was distracted for a moment. His eyes clouded over and soon lit up. After blinking several times, he realized that someone was hugging him and he avoided falling and hitting his face on the ground. It was then that he belatedly breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Are you okay Dilly?"
I heard a noise above. At first I didn't understand it. But the voice is obviously familiar to the ear. an exceptionally low, gravelly voice that seems to come from deep within the vocal cords. The arms around the waist, and the thick chest around the waist.
....... Yeah.
Slowly raising her head, she stopped looking at him. Purple eyes close to indigo gazed at him.
He couldn't make a sound, only his lips patted, barely murmuring his name. The bells sounded in the distance as if they were heard from far away.

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