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FREYA FROWNS DEEPLY as she hears Loki's words

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FREYA FROWNS DEEPLY as she hears Loki's words. Someone she once saw as her whole world, Loki, Freya and Thor being inseparable. Right now the Goddess has no idea what he is. Whatever happened? is the only thing shooting through Freya's mind.

''How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defends yourself?'' Loki spits out.

''How desperate am I?'' Fury banters back as he moves towards the cage. ''You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace, and you kill because it's fun.'' he continues, making both Thor's and Freya's gaze drop to the ground.

''You made me very desperate, and you might not be glad that you did.''

''Ooh.'' Loki chuckles, a grin that sends shivers down Freya's spine on his face. ''It burns you to have come so closer.'' the God continues.

Freya zones out as she sits on a chair next to Steve, the two had been talking non-stop on the jet. They came 'dangerously' close, before Thor quickly sat in between them with a protective look on his features.

Whatever happened? the Goddess of Love and War asks herself again. Hundreds of thoughts run through her mind, before a gentle hand on her's snaps Freya out of her thoughts.

The Goddess looks up to meet Steve's sorrowful eyes. A sad, yet comforting smile is plastered on his face.

''You okay?'' Rogers asks softly, making sure no hears them. ''I'm alright.'' Freya replies with a thankful smile, before Banner's voice snaps the couple out of their trance.

''he really grows on you, doesn't he?'' Bruce asks sarcastically as he removes his glasses. ''Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Frey, Thor, what's his play?'' Steve asks.

Thor stares mindlessly into space, his mind running in overdrive. Freya stands up with a sigh and walks over it her brother, putting a soft hand on his bicep.

''He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard, nor any world known to us.'' the Goddess says with a painful gaze as she looks around the room.

''He means to lead them against your people.'' Thor adds when he snaps out of his trance. ''They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.'' the God explains.

''An army.. from outer-space.'' Steve sighs deeply as he bites the inside of his cheek, sending a glance at Natasha.

''So he's building another portal, that's what he needs Erik Selvig for.'' doctor Banner says. Thor frowns at the name, making Freya look at him in confusion.

''Selvig?'' the God of Thunder quickly asks. ''He's an astrophysicist.'' Bruce explains. ''He's a friend.'' Thor quickly interrupts, making Freya sigh in understanding.

''Is that who was with you on Midgard, when you met your lady friend?'' the Goddess whispers in her brothers ear, making him nod with a painful glance.

''Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours.'' agent Romanoff explains with a sigh.

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