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THE COMPOUND IS QUIET, that's the first thing Steve and Natasha notice

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THE COMPOUND IS QUIET, that's the first thing Steve and Natasha notice. The hallways are empty and the Avengers' happy chatter is long gone after their fight.

But Tony's lost in space, and so is that Peter-kid. And Freya, Banner and Thor haven't been seen by anyone in a a year or two - something the Goddess doesn't know because, yes, time works differently on Sakaar.

Steve misses her, so much, everyday it more and more.

But the pressure of having to lead fugitives through the world kind of takes his mind of of that.

And it has to be him, because he's the one who caused this mess.

That's what Steve himself thinks, at least.

''Mr. Secretary.'' Rogers says, Natasha on his side and Wanda and Sam behind him, their hands supporting Vision.

''You got some nerve, I'll give you that.'' Ross - or rather, a hologram of him - says.

''You could use some of that right now.'' Romanoff remarks.

''The world's on fire, and you think all of forgiven?'' The Secretary asks as he moves towards the Captain.

''I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking permission.''

Ross glares at him, his eyebrows madly knit together as he looks at Steve.

''Earth just lost her best defender. So, we're here to fight.'' He says, stepping forward with a slight smile. ''And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.''

''Arrest them.'' Ross sternly says as he turns to Rhodey.

''All over it.'' He replies.

The holograms disappear and for a second, the group of nomads looks at him nervously.

Because they hadn't really left things on the best of terms.

''That's a court-martial.'' Rhodey says, a grin creeping up on his serious face.

''It's great to see you, Cap.''

Steve can't help but smile brightly, stepping forward and gladly shaking his hand.

''You too, Rhodey.''

Natasha quickly gives him a hug, her blond hair - because, yes, she's blond now - shining in Rhodey's eyes.

''Wow. You guys... really look like crap.'' He says with a sigh. ''Must've been a rough couple years.''

''Well, the hotels weren't exactly five starts.'' Sam quips.

''Uh, I think you look great.''

At the sound of Bruce's voice, they whip their head back in shock.

Natasha's gave slightly falls as she watches the Doctor walk towards them.

''Uh.. yeah- I-I'm back.'' He sheepishly says.

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