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WITH A LOUD THUD, both the God and Goddess fall into a large pile of garbage

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WITH A LOUD THUD, both the God and Goddess fall into a large pile of garbage. Thor and Freya groan as they throw some plastic of their bodies. The Asgardian siblings stand up, and share a confused glance at the sight of a large, red, portal-like hole in the sky a few feet forward.

''Where are we? Where's Loki?'' Freya groans as she looks around. ''No idea.'' Thor mutters as his eyes scan his surroundings.

Suddenly, a ship-like vehicle lands in front of them and multiple weirdly- dressed men step out.

''Are you fighters? Or are you food?''

''We're just passing through.'' The God shrugs in reply, making Freya nod in agreement as she studies the men.

''They are food!''

''On your knees.'' One of them calls out, making Freya roll her eyes. Thor grasps his hand, waiting for Mjölnir, but he frowns as he realises it truly is gone.

Quickly, the royal siblings start kicking down the men left and right. They punch, throw and slap them all, until a electronic net falls over them both.

They all starts beating the two up, until a large ship towers above them.

''They're mine.'' A female calls out as she walks from the ship, taking a sip of her beer. The siblings share a slight worried glance.

Suddenly, she falls from the hangar, into a pile of garbage. The men shrug, and quickly turn back to the two Asgardian siblings on the ground.


The woman gets up, walking towards the men. ''They're mine. So if you want them, you go through me.'' She calls out.

''But we've already gotten them?''

She nods, a cautious look in her eyes. ''All right, then, I guess I go through you.''

The men walk towards her, when she starts toying with the gloves on her hand. Suddenly, the guns on the ship behind her reach up.

The woman shoots everyone down, the blue force makes them disappear into nothing. All while Freya and Thor lay fearfully on the ground.

''Thank you.'' The Goddess breathes out as the two get up.

The woman lightly smirks in response, before suddenly throwing some sort of chip on the Asgardian's necks at the same time.

They wince, and Thor and Freya share a glance, before they suddenly fall to the ground with a loud thud.

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