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FREYA AND THOR SHARE a quick glance as Jane fidgets with her keys in the lock, unsure of who they'll meet behind the closed apartment door

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FREYA AND THOR SHARE a quick glance as Jane fidgets with her keys in the lock, unsure of who they'll meet behind the closed apartment door.

''Jane!'' Darcy Lewis exclaims as she gets up from behind her computer hastily. ''Hi.'' The Doctor awkwardly replies.

''You can't just leave like that, the whole word is going crazy! All the stuff we saw is spreading.''

The God of Thunder questionably looks at his sister as he holds up Mjölnir. Freya shrugs in response and Thor hangs his hammer on the coat rack, while the Goddess puts her swords against the wall beneath it.

''Did you go to a party?'' Darcy confusedly asks. ''Erik?'' Jane quickly asks when she sees the astrophysicist.

''Jane! How wonderful!'' He exclaims when getting up from behind his desk to hug the doctor, revealing his underwear clearly.

''You've been to Asgard!'' Erik exclaims. ''Where are your pants?'' Jane asks at the same time.

''Oh, he, uh, he says it helps him thinking.'' Darcy's intern Ian awkwardly says as he stands up.

''Okay, I'm going to need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravematic anomalies, everything.'' Jane quickly orders.

''Are you well, Erik?'' Thor asks from behind the man with a confused glance. 'Thor! Freya!'' He happily exclaims, before quickly hugging them both.

Eric smiles happily, before his face quickly falls. ''Your brother is not coming, is he?'' He frantically asks as he looks between the Asgardian siblings, shuddering at the thought of how Loki controlled his mind.

Freya's face immediately falls, she sadly pulls her gaze down as tears invade her eyes again.

''Loki is dead.'' Thor softly says as he puts a comforting arm around his sisters shoulder, pulling her close to his body.

''Oh, thank God!''

Freya and Thor immediately look up with furrowed eyebrows, their mouths slightly agape.

''I-I meant.. I'm so sorry.'' Eric awkwardly says, making the God and Goddess slightly nod. ''Thank you.'' They softly mutter.

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