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STEVE LOOKS AROUND in shock. He tries his best to hide the stunned expression on his face as he thinks he should not appear weak, but the Captain fails miserably. Even though some of the weirdest things ever happened on Earth, happened to Steve. This day will really top it all.

''Stark, are you seeing any this?'' Captain Rogers breathes out in disbelief, his head following the movements of the Chitauri's flying above him.

''Seeing. Still working on believing.'' Tony replies hesitantly as he flies towards the three, Freya right behind him.

''Where's Banner? Has he down up yet?'' The billionaire quickly asks. ''Banner?'' Steve questions back in confusion. ''Just keep me posted.''

Freya flies away from Stark, high above the buildings as she looks for any sign of her brother.

Finally, the Goddess' heart drops in happiness as she sees Thor's familiar red cape.

Freya immediately flies towards him and soon sees Thor, battling harshly with Loki when the God of Thunder knocks his brother to the ground.

''Brother!'' The Goddess exclaims when she lands on the tower, the God immediately turning his head back with a grin.

''Frey!'' Thor exclaims happily. Freya immediately runs up to her brother and be easily catches her in his arms. He spins them around as Freya laughs loudly, their armour clinging together in the process.

''Brother, I thought I had lost you.'' Freya exclaims with a wide smile as she meets Thor's eyes, before they both turn to Loki again.

The God of Mischief tries to get up, but Thor quickly holds him down with his hammer again.

''Look at this!'' The God of Thunder yells harshly. ''You think this madness will end with your rule?'' The Goddess of Love and War exclaims as she kneels down beside her brothers.

''Look around you!'' Thor yells again when Loki doesn't move. Freya watches as her brothers expression changes from a stone-cold one, to one with hints of regret.

The Goddess' stomach twists at his heart-breaking expression, Loki's eyes wide in shame.

''It's too late.'' The God finally says, looking between his siblings with slight tears glistering in his eyes.

''It's too late to stop it.''

''No. We can, together.'' Thor pleads softly, his voice slightly cracking. ''Please, brother. Us three together again, like how we used to be.'' Freya says softly.

Loki chuckles painfully, before suddenly stabbing Thor in his chest.

''No!'' The Goddess exclaims as she looks at her brother in fear. Thor clutches his wound as he falls to the ground with a loud groan.

''Sentiment.'' Loki spits out.

Both Thor's and Freya's eyes narrow at their brother. The two charge at Loki at the same time with a battle cry.

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