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THE GODDESS OF LOVE AND WAR looks around, her eyes quickly scanning the room when they fall upon Thor and Agent Coulson

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THE GODDESS OF LOVE AND WAR looks around, her eyes quickly scanning the room when they fall upon Thor and Agent Coulson.

The Goddess slightly lifts up her long, Asgardian gown as she makes her way down the small stairs. Her golden heals click on the wood as she greets a bypassing agent, looking in amazement at her outfit.

''You changed pretty much everything around here.'' Coulson says. ''Things were better as they were.'' Freya adds from behind them, making the gentlemen turn around with a greeting smile.

''Sister.'' Thor exclaims with a smile as he quickly kisses her cheek, grinning widely towards her as Freya sends him the same smile.

''Freya.'' Coulson says with a smile and a nod. ''Phil.'' the Goddess replies with the same smile. Freya lifts up her dress and bows down slightly, a sarcastic grin on her face which makes Coulson chuckle.

''We pretend on Asgard that we're more advanced.'' the Goddess continues as she sends a slight look to her brother. ''But we come here, battling like bilge snipe.'' she says with a grin.

Coulson's eyebrows furrow as he looks between the Asgardian siblings. ''like what?'' he questions.

''Bilge snipe.'' Freya repeats again. When Coulson sends them the same confused look, the God and Goddess share a glance.

''You know, huge, scaly, big antlers. You don't those?'' Thor says with furrowed eyebrows, his hands making gestures at his head.

''I don't think so.'' Phil replies with a light chuckle. ''Well, brother, they are repulsive.'' Freya shrugs towards Thor, who nods in response.

''And they trample everything in their path.'' the Goddess continues as she walks towards the glass, her brother right behind her.

Thor and Freya share a sad look, both of them realising the Goddess' statement have a double meaning.

''When I first came to Earth, Loki's rage followed my here, and your people paid the price.'' the God of Thunder eventually sighs as he looks into the sky pointlessly.

''And now, again.'' Thor says sadly. ''In our youth, we courted war.'' Freya says with a depressing smile, thinking back to Loki's statements about the two.

''War hasn't started yet.'' Fury suddenly says, making the siblings quickly look at him. ''You two think you could make your brother where the Tesseract is?'' he asks.

''I do not know. Loki's mind is far afield.'' the Goddess of Love and war replies honestly, looking down at her large gown. ''It's not just power he craves, it's vengeance, upon us.'' she continues.

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