Ohh sorry...

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A/N: This is basically a chat between a certain green bean and Hawks on the phone.

???: Hewo

Hawks: Heyo this is Hawks, the man who's a bit too fast for society!

???: Huh? 

???: Are you pranking me?

???: What do you even want?

Hawks: I mean that I am the pro-hero and not some scaming idiot who is trying to ... forget it. How can I help kiddo? Are you alright? Are you in trouble?

???: I wanna make it burn down to ashes

Hawks: So you want to burn something down... I am not sure if this is actually the way to go but hey, sure go ahead.

???: Alright you are acting weird today!

???: But ama play along Kacchan.

???: What did you had in mind?

Hawks: Huh? What do you mean? I am acting weird? Look kiddo, you got a hero on the phone and I am always up for pranks coming from a kid.

???: What about villains then?

Hawks: A prank from a villain is not called a prank. It's something dangerous and never to be underestimated.

???: And vigilantes?

Hawks: Tricky people. They are certainly tricky. I would say depends on the prank since they arre on a grey szone.... they could be doing legal but also illegal stings.

???: Alright.... What you think about quirks?

Hawks: They are usefull and they shapped our society. Without them, there wouldn't be heroes and let's be honest, I would be jobless.

???: And quirkless people?

Hawks: I think they are just like quirked people. Why should they be different? They eat, walk, talk and they can do the same things just like quirked ones. Huge respect to them tho since I know how hard it is for them.

???: I see... you are quite optimistic today since you were the one to tell me that I was useless.

Hawks: It's my job to be optimistic.

Hawks: By the way who are you?

???: Stop messing with me Kacchan. You did play well till now but I am tired of this.

Hawks: Not playing.

???: You wanna tell me you are the real Hawks?

Hawks: Yup...

???: Ahm.... sorry!

Hawks: It's fine but who are you?

???: Izuku a huge fan of heroes... this was not supposed to happen.

Hawks: It's fine! This was fun.

Keigo Fried Chicken here! What can I do for you? (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now