I am bored!

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Izuku: keigo

Izuku: keigo

Izuku: keigo

Izuku: keigo

Hawks: Hey there, what's up?

Izuku: I am bored.

Hawks: Well there is two of us now....

Izuku: Yes!

Hawks: Alright! What do you have in mind?

Izuku: Let's play a game.

Izuku: You wanna play with me?

Hawks: Sure, what kind of game ?

Izuku: You know this story game?

Hawks: You mean something like a story-telling game?

Izuku: Yeah exactly

Hawks: Sounds fun! Let's give it a try. I'll start.

Izuku: You know how it works right?

Hawks: Sure do! Let's go.

Izuku: Okay, you start.

Hawks: Once upon a time there was a brave hero who set out on an adventure to save the world...

Hawks: Am I doin it right?

Izuku: Said hero was however not a human but a small cat with a great heart to safe humanity.

Izuku: A bit old fashioned but yest, you are doing it right.

Hawks: Despite his small size, the brave cat managed to survive against all odds and eventually defeated the great evil that threatened the world and its people. He was dubbed the "Hero of Cats" by the people he saved and hailed as a hero for generations to come.

Izuku: What no one expected was that the hero of cats suddenly dissapeared one day while defeating the great evil.

Hawks: And so, the people of the world were left to ponder the mystery of the missing hero, never knowing if he would ever return to them again.

Izuku: One day there was this cockatoo which wondered the same thing and yet couldn't let go of that uncertainty of the heroes dissapeariance

Hawks: The cockatoo set out on a great journey, journeying far and wide in search of the missing hero. As the days went by, the cockatoo's search seemed to be in vain, until one fateful day when he stumbled across something truly remarkable - a small cat-shaped kite, drifting in the wind.

Izuku: There was no civilisation around and yet there was this kite in the air.

Hawks: The cockatoo took the kite and followed where it lead, eventually coming to the same village the hero had saved in the past. There, he found the missing hero, the same brave cat he had been searching for all along, surrounded by a crowd of adoring fans.The hero had returned, and with him, hope and light were brought back to the world. He had

Izuku: END!

Izuku: What a nice story!

Hawks: Yes,  and is this about Eraserhead and Mic? They are quite the nice couple

Izuku: True


Hawks: Sure did.

Hawks: chuckles Everyone does.

Keigo Fried Chicken here! What can I do for you? (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now