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13th October 2022

Ben had wanted a day with Bambi by himself so that Sofia could get the break and the rest that she deserved after what Ben had put her through.

Over the last week, Ben had done multiple more things for Sofia but none to the extent of what he did that night at the match.

Ben even missed the champions league game 2 days before so he could do more and focus on Sofia and Bambi but today was the teams day off so Ben and mason decided look after Bambi.

And when I say they decided, Ben made mason do it by bribing him with his favourite chocolate.

Mason had recently came out as gay to Ben and Sofia by telling them that he had a boyfriend who ended up being Sofias brother.

He was the oldest and was adopted at birth so Sofia never knew about him until they got to know each other and soon figured out that they were biological brother and sister.

Finn had been told about his family when he was eighteen and he wanted to find them but soon gave up after not being successful.

He then moved to London from Manchester and met Mason which is when they fell in love with each other.

Sofia and Finn had gone out on a shopping day together so they could also bond and get to know more of each other.

Sofia wasn't mad at her mum for not telling her because she knows that she would've been young and it didn't matter because they found each other eventually.

"I hope their getting on." Mason randomly says as Ben replies to some of his comments on the post that he had previously posted.

"Me too. I feel like Sofia needs more friends." Masons head snaps up and he furrows his brows before Ben explains himself. "No I mean like, the only people she really has is the Chelsea lads and Bambi. This will do her good."

Mason chuckled before handing Bambi to Ben and checking his phone.

Meanwhile with Sofia and Finn, they were spending their boyfriends money whilst making jokes.

"You did what?"

"I'm not joking. When I met mason for the time, I literally gasped. I supported Chelsea from a far but when I moved here I had no clue that I was going to meet him and fall in love with him." Sofia laughed as Finn shared the memory with her.

"I bet mason loves the attention you give him." Finn agrees with her before Sofia checks the notification she just got. "Speak of the devil."

She laughs as she opens masons reply to her story that she posted.

"Your boyfriend misses you." Sofia teases him as he gets his phone out and messages him straight away. "He seriously just left me on delivered to message you."

She playfully rolls her eyes but Finn doesn't see or hear her as his mind is somewhere else.

When is it not?


Sofia and Finn had just gotten to Sofias apartment where Ben and Mason were with Bambi.

They mustn't have heard them walk in because when they walked in they saw, Mason and Ben sitting on her sofa and watching the film Bambi.

"This is so sad." Mason starts to tear up and Finn feels bad but Sofia laughs as loud possible which scares Ben and Mason and makes them jump up.

"You scared me." Ben holds a hand to his chest which was heaving up and down as his heart was beating very fast.

"Oh well." Sofia put her bags down before skipping to her sleepy baby on the sofa. "Mummy's back now baby girl."

She picks Bambi up and holds her close to her chest, to say that she had missed her baby was an understatement.

She hated leaving the room without Bambi and now she had just gone a whole few hours without her.

She sat on the sofa and shouted goodbye to finn and mason as they wanted to go somewhere but Sofia wasn't listening as she was focused on her baby.

"We've missed you." Ben says as he locks her door and sits next to them.

"I've missed her too."

"That's rude." Ben was being sarcastic and dramatic so he threw his arms in the air.

"I'm joking." She laughed as she rested in Bens arms. "I missed you too."

They lay there holding each other for awhile whilst the movie was continually played in the background.

Ben randomly breaks the silence and says, "Move in with me."


"Move in with me." Sofia sat up straight, put Bambi in her Moses basket and looks Ben dead in the eyes.

"Tell me you aren't joking because if you are then that's just cruel." Ben smirks and looks her in the eyes so she knows that he's being serious.

"I'm not joking, move in with me." He asks one more time and Sofia jumps onto his lap.

"Of course." She smashes her lips against his and accidentally grinds against him.

"Don't tease me like that." He picks her up, takes her to her room and closes the door so Bambi's sleep isn't disturbed.

This was going to be fun.

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