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2nd November 2022

Today was an important day for both ben and Sofia. Ben had a champions league match tonight which was also Sofias first day back as Chelsea's social media manager after having Bambi.

They weren't exactly sure what they were going to do with Bambi as they didn't want to leave her with a nanny but Sofia wanted to go back to work as she was getting very bored of doing nothing all day every day.

Ben had been working hard to make sure he can go to the World Cup but he picked up a minor hamstring injury in training which the medical staff cleared for the match but Sofia was still very worried.

"Just please be careful. You've worked so hard, I would hate if your minor injury evolved into a major one." She warned him as they were getting in the car to head to Stamford Bridge.

"Medical staff have cleared me, that's why potter is playing me."

"I know but if it was me, I would be very cautious just in case." Sofia was worried for him but Ben didn't seem to care.

They drove in silence until they arrive at Stamford Bridge, and when they do to say it was overwhelming for them was a understatement.

No one else except Potter had arrived so all the media were very excited about seeing the first player, especially with their new baby.

Sofia and Ben walked in side by side with Bambi sleeping in Bens arms whilst Sofia carried Bambi's bags.

"I literally have a 6 month year old here, turn your flashes off and be respectful." Ben was calm whilst talking but if one more flash went off he was going to flip.

The media were about to continue shouting when Bambi woke up crying at the flashes.

"See what you did." Ben shook her head and flipped them off before they entered the stadium doors.

"Your gonna regret that you know?" Sofia said as she took Bambi off Ben to calm her down as he needed to calm himself down.

"I know but I'm hoping someone gets injured so they forget about it." He chuckles whilst jumping up and down and shaking his hand to calm himself down.

"Let's not wish an injury on anyone, you know more than anyone how it was all go tumbling down after an injury." Sofia lightly smiled at Ben who felt guilty for even thinking about someone getting injured.

"Your right." He takes a deep breath before helping Sofia with some of the bags as Bambi has not fallen asleep in her arms.

"Sofia! I'm glad you decided to come back today because it's a big game." Potter said when they bumped into him on the way to the locker rooms.

"Hey, thanks for letting me come back early." He smiles before starting to walk away before something pops into his head, making him stop in his tracks.

"Could you take the photos of the players today? Our photographer has called in sick but I'll get someone else to upload them for you." He was hoping she would say yes as otherwise they had no photographer.

"Yeah that's fine."

"Great, the camera is in the locker room." She smiled at him before they parted ways once again.

They had kept in contact with each other regularly since she had met him within his first few weeks as manager just so that they knew each other like he has specified with keeping mostly only his staff.

Sofia took some shots of the pitch before waiting with Ben until they had to warm up.

Bambi was with Finn in one of the boxes so Sofia didn't have to worry about her and she could focus of the match.

She gained multiple shots of the team warming up pre match most she took contained Ben but there was some that didn't.

Whilst the team were getting their pre match pep talk, Sofia quickly went to check on Bambi.

"She doing ok?" She asks her brother who Bambi had grown a liking to.

"She's great. She's making me want one." He chuckles before Sofia smirked and started recalling the Instagram messages.

"Talk to him about it maybe." She suggested before kissing Bambi goodbye and going back to the tunnel to photograph the players.

This was a lot of photos just for one match but she knew only a fraction would get uploaded.

The match had gone fairly smoothly with just some minor injuries and scares but nothing major.

They were in the 90+4 minute when Ben suddenly clutches his the back of his left leg.

Sofias heart dropped and she starts to panic when he drops to the floor in pain.

As the medical staff run on, she takes a picture of her boyfriend lying on the ground, clearly in much pain, which killed her to do but it was her job.

She took a few before placing the camera down and walking to the side of the pitch to get a closer look.

This is what she was worried about, the worst had happened, she just hoped it was a bad cramp and not something that could keep him from the World Cup.

A minute later, Ben is hobbling over to the side of the pitch where Sofia is standing with her heart in her stomach.

"Are you ok?" Ben doesn't answer with words, he just groans in pain as he wraps his arms around her neck.

She looks over his shoulder and looks at the medical staff for some hope but all they do is look at the ground and shake their heads.

If she had a wish granted from genie, it would be that this moment wasn't happening.

If this was major, it was going to destroy him.

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