15 - Problems

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Early morning birds chirping, a cool breeze rocking the leaves, and ones gentle breathing is heard. Yurushi fell asleep a while after you did, and when he woke up, there was a little moment of peace before he realized what happened last night.

You're curled up, a hand holding onto Yurushi's clothing for support. Even while sleeping, you knew you weren't in a safe environment, so subconsciously, you held onto the man all night. He noticed, and cursed to himself when he thought it was cute.

Yurushi stretches his legs, feeling uncomfortable from staying in one position for hours. But he brushes it off and shakes you awake, saying your name a few times.

The sun is rising over the horizon. It's beautiful, especially from high up in the tree. You groan, sitting up tiredly and rubbing your eyes.

Yurushi huffs out with a smile. "This tree doesn't offer much comfort, does it?"

"Eh..." You yawn, eyes blinking open. "My body aches, but I slept through the night, I think."

"You did." He says, bringing his knees up to his chest.

"Was I laying on you?" You ask, nervously staring at Yurushi.

The tips of his ears grow hot. He tries his best not to look flustered. "Yes...so what? I offered you some comfort and you're going to be ungrateful about it?"

You look away, feeling your cheeks heat up. I hope I didn't drool on him. "Oh," Then you twist your expression into a glare. "I'm not being ungrateful! In fact, I'll thank you for not kicking me off of this branch."

"There was a point when I considered that." He lies.

"Mhm," You hum, not convinced. Glancing at the horizon, your lips tug into a deep frown. "What now? I can't go back home. I guarantee there's Fatui there."

Yurushi sighs quietly. "I'm not sure. This is...quite unfortunate."

You lower your head. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't be caught up in this. I won't be mad if you decide to leave."

He ponders for a moment, staring at your solemn expression.

Another sigh passes his lips. "I can't. I told you about myself and I refuse to let you run around telling people."

You smirk, glancing at him. "You really think I'd do that?"

No. "Yes. You're really...loud sometimes. You drink, too. What if you tell somebody while drunk?"

"Man, I was drunk several times and haven't told anybody about me being an ex-Harbinger," You laugh. "You can trust me. I promise you, your secret is safe with me."

He huffs. "I'll take your word for it."

"Good, but still, it's okay if you leave. I survived by myself for way longer than you think." You say, gathering your things together and pulling your backpack on.

"What're you, three hundred years old or something?" Yurushi asks, carefully standing up.

"Yup, a little over, but you're not far off," You nod. "Do you know about me...or were you clueless like how I was about you?"

"Eh, I knew a little about you from others," He says, watching you stand up. When you wobble, he immediately comes to your side, holding your shoulder and arm. When you look into his eyes, he moves his gaze away and let's go of you. "Uh, I know you're the snow's bairn. Which literally means you're the child of snow."

"Yes," You grin, suddenly feeling a bit shy from how close Yurushi is. "One day I woke up in the snow. That's when I was born, I guess. People saw me, because I used to travel from village to village, trying to get food and whatever, so my legacy carried on for generations, and my title became the snow's bairn."

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