Chapter 2

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"Get off, you big lump!" One of the squished dwarfs exclaimed. I stifled a laugh at this. "Gandalf." Bilbo said, sounding exasperated and I looked up from the pile of dwarfs to see Gandalf standing in the doorway behind them. "Gandalf!" I exclaimed quite happily with all thoughts of my unpleasant encounter with Fili gone. "Mila." Gandalf greeted. After the dwarves got up; they introduced themselves as Bofur, Bifur, Bombur, Oin, Gloin, Nori, Ori and Dori when they walked past us. This'll be exciting. I turned around to see that they had found the pantry. I moved closer to the wall so I won't be in anyone's way and to my amusement watch Bilbo get after the dwarves.

*Bilbo's POV*

"Excuse me, that's our chicken and if you don't... that's my wine Excuse Me!" I said stopping Bifur and in which he responded in dwarvish. I turned around when I heard a voice behind me. "He's got an injury." Oin said. "From the axe in his head." I said. "Dead? No, only between his ears, his legs work fine." Oin answered and then left. "Put those back. Put that back. Put THAT back. Not the jam please." I said as the dwarves walked past me with food in their arms. "Excuse me, tad excessive isn't it?  Do you got a cheese knife?" I said to Bombur as he walked past me carrying three blocks of cheese. "Cheese knife? He eats by the block." Bofur replied, walking past me carrying the ham. "No no that is grandpa Mungo's chair. Nope and so is that, please take it back please, it's an antique not for sitting on." I said.

*Mila's POV*

"So these are the others you've mentioned this morning." I said once I saw Gandalf again when he emerged from the dining room. "Yes they are my dear." Gandalf replied and then took headcount of the dwarves. "Uh, Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori." Gandalf said and then Bifur said something to him in dwarvish. Hm, I wouldn't mind learning some dwarvish language myself. I thought. "Yes you're quite right Bifur, we appeared to be missing one dwarf short." Gandalf said. "He is late is all, he traveled north to a meeting with our kin, he'll come." Dwalin said. Huh, I wonder who it was they were talking about. I wondered. "Mr. Gandalf a little glass of red wine as requested. It's got a fruity bouquet. And for you Miss Mila a cup of chamomile tea." Dori said, handing Gandalf a glass of the red wine and then giving me the chamomile tea. "Thank you." I replied. "You're welcome." Dori responded. "Cheers." Gandalf said and took a sip. I stopped myself from laughing when Gandalf noticed it was all gone. I went into the dining hall to help get everything set up and once it was ready I was about to leave until I heard my name being called. I turned around to see it was Kili. "Come sit with me!" He said, patting the empty seat between him and Fili. I walked over to where Kili was sitting and sat down next to him. "Thank you for the invite." I said. "Of course." Kili replied. I then helped myself to the food that sits in front of us. "Bombur catch!" Bofur said and when I looked up Bofur had thrown an egg which Bombur had caught in his mouth. Everyone cheered and I joined in as well. I hadn't noticed that Fili had left until he walked across the table with jugs of ale. "Who wants an ale?" Fili asked and then handed out an ale to one of the dwarves. "Here you go." He said. "Oh my gosh... Fili! Get down from there! Your boots are muddy!" I exclaimed and stared at him in disgust in which he only chuckled at my reaction and handed me a jug of ale. I sighed. Fili then sat back down to the left of me and clinked his jug of ale against mine. "Honestly, was that really necessary?" I asked. "It was and it was also easier to give everyone some ale." Fili answered. "Of course it was." I replied. All the dwarves clinked each other's jugs and I did as well. At the count of three we all jugged down the ale. After we set our jugs down, apparently there was a burp contest soon after. So gross. "So, how did an elf like you come to be living here?" Kili asked me, making conversation. "Oh! Well, you see I'm not an elf. I'm a dwelf." I said. "What does that mean?" Kili inquired. "It means I'm half dwarf and half elf." I explained. "Interesting." Kili replied. I nodded my head in agreement. "That explains your height." Bofur commented. "Yes." I said. Balin just shook his head at their stupidity. "Anyways, continue." Kili said. "Right." I said slowly. "She has been adopted by the Baggins." Gandalf said, answering Kili's second question. Thank you I mouthed to Gandalf. He simply nodded his head in response.

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