Chapter 3

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Once we've all finished eating; everyone got up from the table and chatted with each other. I've gone back to the living room. I sat down on my favorite couch by the window, picked up my book and began reading where I've left off. I looked up from my book to catch Fili looking at me in which he quickly looked away pretending that he didn't just get caught staring at me. I went back to my book with a shake of my head.
*Bilbo's POV*
"Excuse me, that is a doily not a dish cloth." I said taking the doily from Nori who was using it to clean the inside of a cup. "But it's full of holes?" Bofur asked. "It's supposed to look like that, it's crocheted." I answered. "Oh and a wonderful game it is too, if you got the guts for it." Bofur joked and made everyone laugh. "Confusticate and bebother these dwarves!" I said in frustration. "My dear Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asked. "What's the matter? I'm surrounded by dwarfs! What are they doing here?" I answered. "Oh it's quite the merry gathering once you get used to them." Gandalf replied. "I don't want to get used to them. The state of my kitchen! There's mud trodding on the carpet! They pillaged the pantry. I'm not going to even tell you what they've done in the bathroom, they all but destroyed it. I don't understand what they are doing in my house!" I explained with a huff.
*Mila's POV*
"Our house you mean?" I asked, standing against the wall with my arms crossed. "Yes." Bilbo answered. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt, but what should I do with my plate?" Ori asked Bilbo. "Oh I can take." I started to say until I was interrupted. "Here you go Ori, give it to me." Fili said and then tossed the plate to Kili. I watched them in awe. "Excuse me! That's my mother's westfarthing pottery and it's over a hundred years old! And can you not do that you'll blunt them!" Bilbo protested. "Ooo you hear that lads! He said we'll blunt the knives." Bofur said and all the dwarfs broke out in song. "Blunt the knives, bend the forks!" Kili began. "Smash the bottles and burn their corks!" Fili continued. "Trip the glasses and crack the plates! That's what Bilbo Baggins hates! Cut the cloth, tread on the fat! Leave the bones on the bedroom mat! Pour the milk on the pantry floor! Splash the wine on every door!"  I soon found myself clapping to the beat of the song and joined in. "Dump the crocks in boiling bowls! Pound them up with a thumping pole! When you're finished if they are whole! Send them down the hall to roll! That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!" We finished singing and laughed at Bilbo's face of disbelief at his cleaned dishes until we heard a knock at the door. "He's here." Gandalf said. "Who's here?" I asked as we all followed Gandalf towards the door and stood to the side. Gandalf opened the door to a dwarf with black and silver streaked hair. He looked to be of nobility. "Gandalf, I thought you said this place would be easier to find. I lost my way twice. I've found it at all if it weren't for that mark on the door." The stranger said. "Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago." Bilbo said, walking past us in which I followed him. "There is a mark and I put it there myself. Bilbo and Mila Baggins allow me to introduce the leader of our company Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf said. "So this is the hobbit and dwelf. Tell me Mr and Miss Baggins have you done much fighting?" Thorin said. "Pardon me?" Bilbo asked. "Yes I have." I said. Thorin looked at me in surprise. "Is that so? What's your weapon of choice? Axe or sword?" Thorin asked. "Sword and dagger, but I do prefer the bow and arrows." I answered. "Interesting." Thorin said. "Well I am skilled with conkers if you must know, but I don't see how that is relevant." Bilbo said. "Thought as much, he looks more like a grocer than a burglar." Thorin said. "Burglar? Excuse me, he's much more than that." I retorted angrily and then added. "And you will not insult either him or my family by implying otherwise. Do you understand?" "Quite clear now." Thorin said. "Very good." I said in relief and then followed the dwarfs back to the dining room. I was second to last entering the room and Kili waved me over. It seems the brothers had saved me a seat. I walked over to them and took my seat between Fili and Kili. "Sword and dagger huh?" Fili asked. "Oh, uh yeah, but like I said I prefer the bow and arrows." I answered. Kili laughed. Fili glared at him and I chuckled, but we soon stopped when Gandalf pulled out a map and placed it in front of Thorin. "The lonely mountain." Bilbo said, looking at the map over Thorin's shoulder holding a candle up to it.

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