Chapter 4

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"Aye, and the portents say it is time!" Gloin said. "Ravens have been seen flying back up to the mountain as it was foretold and when the rabbits of yore returned to Erebor the reign of the beast will end." Oin said. "What beast?" Bilbo and I inquired in unison. "That would be a reference to Smaug, the terrible, chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Air-borne fire breather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks and extremely fond of precious metals." Bofur answered. "Yes I know what a dragon is." Bilbo replied. "Oh,hm, thank you Bofur." I said. "You're welcome lass." Bofur replied and then Ori stood up. "I'm not afraid! I'm up for it! I'll show him!" Ori said. "Sit down!" Dori sternly said, pulling Ori back into his seat. "The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us, but we're numbered just thirteen and not thirteen of the best, nor brightest." Balin said in which the dwarves argued. I then flinched and turned to look at Fili when I heard him hit the table with his fist. "We may be few in number! But we're fighters; all of us! To the last dwarf!" Fili said. "And did you forget we have a wizard in our company! Gandalf would have killed hundreds of dragons in his time!" Kili exclaimed. "Well, no I-I." Gandalf replied. "Well, how many?" Dori asked. "What?" Gandalf asked. "How many dragons have you killed?" Dori asked again. Gandalf coughed, looking embarrassed. "Go on! Give us a number!" Dori insisted and then the dwarves began to argue again. I inwardly sighed. Thorin then stood from his chair yelling something in dwarvish and everyone then went quiet. "If we have read these signs do you not think others would have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread, the dragon Smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look east to the mountain assessing, wondering, weighing the risk, perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what's rightfully ours or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor!" Thorin said. The dwarves cheered, but then stopped. "You forget the front gate is sealed! There is no way into the mountain." Balin said. "That my dear Balin is not entirely true." Gandalf replied holding a key. "How did you come by this?" Thorin asked. "It is given to me by your father, Thrain for safekeeping. It is yours now." Gandalf replied, handing Thorin the key. "If there's a  key, there must be a door." Fili said. I snorted and tried to hold back a laugh and thankfully nobody noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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