Chapter Six: Yuka

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(Cursed Sword Arc)

"It was scary! How dare you abandon me!" Hex yelled. Ratto started to bark at him. "I didn't wanna fight Cabbage Jack!"

"Well you said you were going to," Ren said. They sat in the passenger's seat with Schrod on their lap. "Mean what you say and say what you mean, that's what my dad always told me." They had a pair of large black headphones around their neck. 

"I was doing it to impress everyone! You were supposed to help me out or something," Hex snapped. 

"Look, there's no point in arguing about it now. It's all over," Rose said. She was speeding down the road. "Plus you did say you were going to."

"To impress everyone!" 

"I wasn't impressed," Orochi said. 

"I'm hungry!" Baguette barked. 

"I was not impressed," Rose commented. She went to tamper with the music. 

"I was not impressed," Ren added. Deep down they felt a little weird. "But still that was  brave of him." They thought. 

"Yes, getting his head cut off was very brave. But not at all intelligent," Orochi said. 

"You're lucky only I can hear you," Ren thought. 

"Even if Hex could what would he make of it? He has rocks in his brain. If he was an animal it would be a pet rock," Orochi said. Ren started laughing. 

"And I got my head ripped off!" Hex whined. 

"Well maybe that wouldn't have happened if you didn't look like such a girl. Ever consider that?" Ren asked.

"Well....I....It's not like I asked to look this way!" Hex yelled. He floated off to the back to go sulk. "Stupid Ren...." Hex thought. 

"Wow," Rose said. 

"It's true! He does look like a girl," Ren said. "You know, ghosts appear in a form that speaks the most to them. Basically most ghosts look entirely different from when they were alive based on their souls. Meaning Hex did chose to look like that because of his personal taste."

"I like feeling pretty," Hex commented. 

"Pretty? Or pretty dumb?" Ren asked. 

"I have had it!" Hex yelled. He possessed a box in the back of the ambulance. Ratto and Grim sniffed it. 

"Will he be okay?" Rose asked. 

"Who cares?" Ren replied. They stared down at their phone. They had been texting Riina. "I was so scared that Hex would fade when we fought that guy. I was so worried about him," They texted. 

"Just tell Hex," Baguette said. 

"No, that's too reasonable," Ren thought. "Plus I don't want Hex to know that I like him," Ren added. 

"You humans confuse me. You should just be upfront about it," Baguette said. She licked her paws while sitting on the dog bed directly behind Rose's seat. "I mean I say that I love food."

"Yeah well Hex doesn't feel the same way. You heard him gushing over Yoru," Ren thought. They lay their head against their palm. 

"That's odd, there's a small village here despite the GPS saying there isn't," Rose commented. Ren bolted up to see an array of small brick houses. "Sometimes that happens where there are settlements that don't get put on GPS due to not being registered by the satellites."

"What if it's an Inunaki Village situation where we get murdered?" Ren thought. 

"A what?" Baguette asked. The dog jumped onto a seat in the back to look out the window. Rose parked by a tree. "Food?"

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