Chapter Twenty Nine: Blue Tiger Group

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(Goblin Arc)

The ambulance hurled down the roadside going way over the speed limit. Ren lay on the bed in the back of the ambulance with Baguette curled up next to their side. Schrod lay on their seat. "Wow......I actually got a girl to like me," Ren uttered. 

"Hex has bad intuition," Orochi hissed. 

"I only like bacon," Baguette said. Hex lay down next to Ren. "Ghost man!"

"Baguette! That's a slur!" Ren thought very loudly. "Hey Hex."

"I want a girl to like me," Hex commented. "Well I mean all the girls like me and all the guys too."

"Hex, no one likes you," Ren stated. Hex glared at them, "Sorry, old habit."

"You can't just blame everything on bad habits," Hex said. 

"I know, I've been working on it. I really am trying my best, please just give me time. And Auntie, both hands on the wheel!" 

"Darn! How did you know?" Rose was busy clapping her hands to the song. "I guess I'll be responsible and keep my hands on the wheel," She rolled her eyes. 

"She's going to kill us all," Ren said. "I really do mean that I'm trying. I really am."

"Hey, you're making an effort," Hex said. He reached out his pale hand towards Ren's. Ren focused their magic on their hand so they could hold it. Hex's hand was tundra cold. They couldn't really tell if the marks on his wrist were scars or just marks from being a ghost. 

"There's going to be a hold up, Auntie will stop any minute now," Ren thought. They gripped Hex's hand and the bed frame. The ambulance jolted to a stop. "Ah fuck!" Ren rubbed their head. "What's going on?" 

"Some assholes are standing in the middle of the road," Rose answered. Ren ran up to the front where they could see. There stood a group of people. There was a lean tall man with a chiseled jaw line and piercing blue eyes. He was young and he sat on a big black horse with blue armor. The man himself also had blue and silver armor. "Aww they're matching."

"Uhh, they're matching," Ren said. Next to him was a girl with straight long black hair. She wore a frilly black low cut dress, showing some chest. She wore a black witches hat with a golden rim. She carried a tall wooden staff with a purple crystal on the top. Around her neck was a white snake. "So cool I wonder what species it is? I don't know if it has venom." In between the two was a guy with long blue hair. He wore a gray blue shirt with white fur around his neck. A long silver cape drifted down his back. 

"Wow....." Hex stared out the wind shield from behind Ren. "Hey Ren, what do you think of him?"

"He looks alright," Ren answered. Rose rolled down her window. 

"Get out of the road!" She yelled. "I have a dog!" Ratto began to bark at them. 

"Do not go further!" The boy in the middle yelled. "There's a den of goblins here!"

"Goblins? Do those exist?" Rose turned to Ren. 

"Yeah, think of those ghosts we sealed away at the mines but short and green," Ren answered. "And they predate all of us humans. They've been here since the dinosaurs."

"Everybody out of the ambulance!" The boy yelled. The demon on the roof snarled at him. Rose put it in park and everyone piled out. "Now there is a goblin's hoard near by so turn back."

"That's not on the maps," Rose pulled out her phone. 

"Hylokk, that one's a mage," The girl pointed to Ren using her staff. "And that dog is magic."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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