Chapter Twelve: Trick House

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(Fox House Arc)

"Alright, the first challenge is to get across this bridge and get that note at the end of it," Tsubaki said. The bridge in question was a long rickety old thing with vines draped over it. There were several holes in the wooden floor and the rope holding it together was frayed and knotted. "Those are the only rules." The room looked just like a cave with torches on the wall. 

"Great, this is how I die," Ren thought. They looked down into the darkness below. "There's probably a mattress down there or a net of some sort, there's no way we'd die here," They thought. Ren took a rock from their long black sock and threw it down. The only sound was a hard slam against rock. "Alright, it seems really far down."

"Let's just hurry across, we're just crossing a bridge," Scimitar said. 

"Wait, this is a trick house," Tsubaki said. "Now who's lighter?"

"Well.....I'm only 94 pounds," Ren answered. 

"Oh yeah you're better off," Scimitar said. "Go get em!" She pushed Ren towards the bridge. Ren flailed their arms to keep from falling forwards. 

"Maybe send Orochi," Ren suggested.  

"No, go," Orochi ordered. Ren sighed and started walking. The first step caused the bridge to sway. Ren focused their magic on their body, making sure they would stick to the bridge. 

"That's right, as long as I make sure my magic is focused I will never misstep. I am a magical genius," Ren thought. The next steps were light and sure. Ren felt the bridge jostle and they looked behind them to see Scimitar and then Tsubaki. "I don't think this bridge can hold all three of us! But then again if you distribute it....No then it wouldn't be properly even."

"Where is all of this intellect during literally any other day?" Orochi asked. 

"Because there's no prize during those fights," Ren answered. 

"Are you talking to yourself?" Tsubaki asked. 

"Oh fuck!" Scimitar yelled. Her foot had broke through the bridge. "Fucking dammit!"

"We heard you the first time," Orochi said. Ren made a mad dash for the end. "No moron!" The bridge started to crumble down. "Good thing I'm a snake," Orochi said. One end of the bridge had completely fallen, leaving the end with the note barely clinging to the ropes holding it up. Tsubaki grabbed Scimitar and jumped back onto the ledge. 

"That's right....He has demon blood, so he likely would be able to make it that far," Ren thought. They grabbed onto the rope and dangled there. They focused their magic to their finger tips. "Fuck! I can't pull myself up," Ren said. 

"Ren!" Tsubaki yelled. "Shit....How do I reach them?" He wondered. 

"Don't you have some sort of demon magic?" Scimitar asked. She looked down at the abyss. "Interesting."

"No magic for this situation. I don't think I'd be able to jump that far," Tsubaki answered. "Ren! Hang in there!"

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?" Ren asked. They felt their hands burn. "Hex or Auntie would be able to pull me out of this," Ren thought. Orochi slithered out of their sleeve and wrapped itself around the rope. 

"I'm a snake, remember?" 

"Please help me out of this," Ren begged. They looked down and shut their eyes. "I can't reach Schrod, and there's no guarantee it'll save me," Ren thought. Orochi wrapped itself around Ren's arm. 

"Remember what I did with Rose?" Orochi asked. The snake would have smirked if it had the mouth for that. 

"Is that a snake?" Tsubaki asked. 

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