Tiktok Trends Pt. 3

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A/N - Back to the Gender netural oneshots! My friend angelinakostovaa saw this idea first.
Not spell checked - sorry.



You lounged around on your couch scrolling through your tiktok fyp. It was boring without Bella around but he had to go and film The Last of Us. (Especially on the weekends.) You kept mindlessly scrolling and liking videos on your fyp until one video caught your eye. It was a slowdown trend but with a couple video instead. The guy was dancing the girl around and when he spun her, it slowed down and you watched as the girl went into his arms and they both stared at each other. It made you miss Bella. It was like those nightly facetime calls didn't compare to it.

The idea didn't hit you until 5 minutes later. You and Bella had a private relationship since you didn't want to share too much but people would know you were together. But wanting to do something nice for them, you decided to do this trend too. Going into your camera roll, you went through your album of you and them. When you finally found the video you wanted, you favorited it so it was easier to find when you went to use capcut. After you had found the couple video with the template, you did everything to make the video as cute as possible. Once it was finished, you saved it so it was easier to upload to places like tiktok and instagram.

You watched the video replay of you and Bella sitting down, you lying in between their legs and leaning against their chest while they told you a joke as you looked up at them. The video started slowing down as you both started laughing. The joy on both of y'all faces is what made your heart melt.

You decided to do post the video on tiktok first on your account.  You posted it and tagged Bella in it. Knowing they don't check it very often, you just sat and scrolled through all of the incoming comments.

minimayhem373: You both are so cute together, Fav comfort couple

Bellaramseysleftgripper: ❤️❤️❤️. You bring out the joy in them!

dvcree: ❤️ love you two together!

Smiling at the comments, you decided to post it on your instagram account as a reel and tag Bella in it because you sure as hell knew they would check that. You had uploaded it and watched as the comments and like had come in. Scary as you had just posted it a minute ago. Feeling sleepy, you decided to lay down and take a quick nap as you had nothing to do.

1 hour later

Waking up, you felt refreshed and got up to grab a glass of water. Forgetting you had posted that tiktok, you turned on the tv and watched a show. (cough the worst witch cough.) After two episodes, you grabbed your phone from the coffee table where you had left it as you took your nap. You scrolled through all of your notifications before one captured your eye.

Bella Ramsey tagged you and shared this to their story.

Curious, you clicked on the notification and it led you to their story. You saw at the top of the story it said "Thank you for being my Joy, Darling." and it had the reel you made underneath it with your username tagged below. You hearted the story and then went on to continue scrolling through comments. Not even 2 minutes later, Bella facetimed and you automatically smiled. You both talked for a bit, catching up with what happened on set with Pedro and what sort of antics went on. At the end of the call, you were about to hang up when Bella cleared their throat.

"I wanted to thank you for that video. It really made my day seeing as how you made that for us. Pedro says you should have seen my face when I saw it." they spoke.

"Hey. Since we can't be together, why not post old memories. Thought it was a good way to show my appreciation towards you. Now go to sleep. You need it for filming tomorrow." You answered back.

"Good night darling. I love you." They spoke before smiling.

You smiled back and responded to them. "Good night Mi Amor." You then hung up with a big smile on my face.

A/N again - i think i have an idea to do another part to this oneshot 🤭😏

Love you all. Please get a good nights sleep (unlike me) and eat. eat eat eat.

- Mini (again)

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now