Drifting Away

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A/N - I'm gonna apologize in advance for this. I am so sorry for this fic and pls dont attack me.


It was 2 am and you were in bed trying to fall asleep but couldn't without worrying where Bella was. It wasn't a peculiar thing for Bella to come home late and leave early. You both hadn't recently spent some me time together and it pained you. It was like you were on one boat and he was on another boat and the ocean was slowly dragging your boats away from each other.

2 minutes later after checking the time, you heard the door open and immediately shut your eyes and pretended to sleep. The sound of keys dropping in a bowl and shoes being taken off weren't an odd sound to you but still, it felt weird. The bed dipped and you could feel Bella get in underneath the covers and fall immediately asleep. No goodnight or temple kiss like he used to do every night when he got home and you were asleep. It took everything for you not to cry silently.

Getting up and grabbing your pillow, you walked into the guest bedroom and got comfy in that bed before crying yourself to sleep. The inevitable was happening and you couldn't help it.

In the morning, the main bedroom door was open and Bella's spot was vacated like usual. You took a shower before getting dressed and deciding it was time. You took a suitcase and packed all your belongings that were yours (which wasn't much.) You wrote a note to them and put your key next to it before taking the suitcase and calling an uber to a hotel.

That boat you were on was taking you farther and farther away until Bella was a speck in the distance.

You checked into the hotel and got settled into the room before calling your sibling for moral support. After you both had a talk and went over the pros and cons of leaving Bella, with the pros outweighing the cons, you came to a conclusion that this would be good for both of you. Your sibling offered a room at their house in case you need it and it felt good that you had someone there for you.

Awhile later, you were completely done and were ready to leave Bella completely. You had dried tears from having to do this but it was time.

The ocean had fully drifted away the boat to where you couldn't see Bella anymore.

Bella's POV

It's 11 pm and I walk into the apartment but that familiar sound of the tv on isn't there. Opening the door, I head inside and take off my shoes and keys before going into the bedroom to see if Y/N is there. When I don't find them, I plop onto the couch getting ready to text them but I see a note. Reading the note, I felt tears in my eyes.

Dear Bella,

These past two years were the best they could have been for me. But for these past few months, I felt us drifting away. It has gotten really hard worrying about you every night when you don't get home until 2 am. So I have decided to pack my things and check into a hotel. I enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you these past years but I think its time for us to part ways.

I will always remember you.


Picking up the key crying, I knew they weren't going back and that I couldn't salvage anything between us and it hurt.


Again I am so sorry for this 😭 pls don't attack me

I totally didn't cry while writing this cause it was sad as fuck.

lreallylikedinosaurs  you gave me too much motivation 😭


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