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Just a quick one but schools almost done so ill be back from my break soon! - Mini

You and Bella were lounging around on the couch as it was a lazy day. Bella had just gotten back from doing a couple of auditions and you felt like just being in the same proximity as both of y'all's jobs had been tiring. Your head was in his lap looking between him and tiktok on your phone. Bella was busy playing with your hair and looking at his phone.

It wasn't long until a simple edit of Bella had shown up on your fyp. It was them in the Entertainment Tonight interview with Pedro. You quickly liked it and scrolled onto the Bella hashtag and start looking at more edits.

Soon 30 minutes had passed and you were still scrolling through edits before this one edit came before you. It was an edit of their hands. You didn't notice but you had bit your lip and were smiling. Bella looked down at you with a questionable look on his face. Noticing that you had eyes on you, you looked up and saw her staring at you.

"What's up with you biting your lip?" He questioned while you quickly turned off your phone and responded.

"Nothing. I was just concentrating too hard." But it was too late. Bella took your phone out of your hands and unlocked it while coming face to face with the tiktoks you were watching of them and their hands.

Realizing you were caught, you tried getting up and running but Bella caught you. They smirked at you and spoke.

"Who knew I had such a fan for a partner."

You blushed and looked away but Bella brought their hand underneath you chin and guided your face to look at them. They smiled at you before removing his hand and taking a picture of you and kissing your nose. You sat up and snuggled into them.

"In my defense. It was my hot ass partner I was looking at..." You noted before standing up quick and running into the room before she could kiss attack you for saying that.

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now