Drifting Away Pt 2

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hehehehehehehehe - mini

also fuck bugs. i had two of them flying around me when i was writing this

(lreallylikedinosaurs this is not the draft i was talking about fyi just forgot to get the ending done and posted on this one 😭😭😭)


3 years later

You had always kept track of Bella and their achievements and shows/movies since the breakup. It was a common thing to do. A single part of you had a pang of hurt/jealousy still but you kept brushing it off. Now having another partner that loved and supported you, you felt happy, like that person had filled a hole in your part.

One day, you both were strolling along a street with a bunch of shops, hand intertwined and swinging. Happy as you be, you turned to look at your partner. Not paying attention to anything else, you bumped into someone. Turning around, you saw Bella. Your heart couldn't help but leap a little bit at the sight of them.

"Hey Bella." The soft spoken words came out of your mouth

Bella's POV

I was walking along this little street while trying to get to a place. I was running and dodging people at a good pace but I all of a sudden I felt someones shoulder and mine connect. When I turned around to apologize to the person, I immediately recognized who it was by their eyes, Y/N. I felt my breath hitched when I saw them. It had been 3 years since i had read that letter that had ripped me to shreds. I knew I fucked up but a heavy portion of me knew it couldn't be fixed.

When I saw them standing there on the sidewalk, I could feel myself happy to see them but thats when I noticed another person standing next to them. My eyes moved all the way down to their hands where the other person's and y/n hands were intertwined.

Your POV

Bella just saw our hands. Shit. I could see the hurt and little bit of jealousy in their eyes when I looked back up at them but I brushed it off as a thing that I thought I saw.

Bella's POV

Their hands intertwined caught me off guard and I felt some jealousy coming up in my brain but completely shoved it down. But most of all, the hurt I knew I couldn't squish down

"This is my Partner, Viola." Y/N spoke as I waved hi to Viola.

"Nice to meet you Viola. Anyways I have to go and catch the bus. But nice to see you both. I turned around to quickly get out of that situation before I could feel hurt anymore.

Your POV

Watching as Bella walked away, I couldn't help but feel upset inside. But I masked my emotions and put on a smile before turning to my partner and devoting my attention to them.

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now