Tiktok Trends Pt. 4

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A/N - Heres the first story back from my break. A longer one too. I know this trend stopped awhile ago but this has been in my drafts for awhile and y'all love these tiktok trends so... ENJOY! Also love you all and thanks for all the support.

- Mini (Almost took a picture of myself instead of putting a picture of bibble 💀)

Scrolling on tiktok while sat on the couch bored out of your mind. The routine of your thumb going up and down while also double tapping the screen to like the videos. The routine stuck in your head like you were a mindless phone zombie. It wasn't until a video of you popped up. It was with you and your co-star Bella in an interview about this new film that came out. There had been this trend going around where people would edit either a couple of stars from a film or them with their partner and each one would be okokokok or lalalala. Grabbing your interest, you watched the short video as the song swirled through your mind. It had a couple of clips of you and Bella conversing with each other while the the word okokokok were behind you and lalalala were behind Bella. You smiled to yourself as you read the caption. 'They way they look at eachother. Y/N looks like they have butterflies in their stomach from looking at Bella. 🦋🦋🦋 I wish I had that. I definitely ship them.' You saved and liked the video before scrolling again mindlessly through tiktok.

2 days later

You sat in a directors chair with a table and another chair on the other side of the table. Today you had an interview with Bella again but this time it was an auto wired interview. You sat in a comfortable pose as the makeup and hair team did final touches. As they were finishing up and walking away, Bella joined you in the seat on the other side. Exchanging hellos, you made small talk as the camera crews got set up and the makeup and hair team finished up Bella's touch ups. As the rest of the touch up team was scurrying away, the count down began.





Bella decided they were gonna talk first.

"Hi my name is Bella Ramsey and this is my co-star..."  They pointed to you as you blurted out your name.

"Y/N L/N and this is the Auto Wired Complete interview. Today we are gonna answer some most searched questions on the internet."

Smirking at Bella, you grabbed the first board before they could and lifted it up, meaning they had to answer questions first.

"Oh you cheeky little-" He spoke before you interpreted.

"Cheeky little what Bells?"

You swore you could see a tint of color on their cheeks as they looked away and cleared his throat before looking at you again.

"Well lets get on with it then. You slowpoke." She eyed you and giving you a hint to start peeling back the tape.

You rolled your eyes and peeled back the first question.

Reading out loud, you told him the first question.

"Where was Bella Ramsey Born?"

Replying back, Bella nodded while speaking.

" Nottingham, United Kingdom. But I don't know why any of you need to know that."

You laughed at their comment before pulling back another piece of tape and reading it out loud.

"Bella Ramsey's Full Name."

"My full name is Isabella May Ramsey but I prefer Bella or Bells. But only a select few can call me that." She commented while staring at you for the last part.

"I am of course included in the select few. Even though it didn't start like that. It all started when-" you started to comment.

Bella cut you off before you could say another word.

"That is a story for another time Y/N." A stern look fell across their face.

"But Bells..." You started to speak but their raised eyebrow shut you up real quick. "Fine. Another day then."

You continued to pull back the tape as he answered more questions and vice versa.

Some of the questions being 'Y/N Height'

"I am Y/H

'Y/N movies and tv shows'

"Off the the top of my head, we have Turning Red, Yellowstone..."

The questions went on and on with you and Bella telling stories about each other when the time was right and sometimes butting into each others answers.

There was one last question left that sparked yours and Bella's interest.

'Y/N L/N and Bella Ramsey okokokok edit'

You looked surprised while Bella was confused. When a camera crew member off screen tried explaining the edit to them, you stepped in offering to show the edit. They were a bit flabbergasted you knew about it but they allowed you to show Bella. You pulled out your phone and pulled up tiktok before heading into your saved videos. Seeing the edit, you clicked on it and scrolled one video below before turning up the volume and scrolling back up the the edit to show Bella.

A couple minutes later after explaining the trend, and showing the video over and over again, Bella finally understood and smiled at you.

"So basically, you're the one who talks a lot and is super hyper and im the one who listens to you and is super chill?" He asked for clarity.

You nodded and replied.

"Exactly. I really need to get you on tiktok"

To which they shook their head no and stuck out their tongue.

"This edit has gotten super popular since I liked it. I wonder what happened." You noted to the camera before turning back to Bella.

"My favorite part is the caption though. Because it feels true to me" You told them while they motioned for you to hand them the phone for her to read.

Silent for a minute, you bit lightly on your fingernails, scared out of your mind.

When he finally handed you back the phone, your fingers touched and butterflies were suddenly in your stomach again. Slowly looking at you, she studied you intently before standing up and walking over to you.

As they reached your chair and pulled you out of it, all of a sudden you felt frozen and place as they did the triangle method to you before slowly planting a kiss on your lips. Slowly your senses came back to you and kissing them back, you smiled against his lips. Bella stopped kissing you for a minute and turned to look at the camera.

"By the way, whoever that editor was is right. I ship us too and on that note, that is the end of the auto wired interview."

As the cameras turned off and they stopped recording,  Bella and you grabbed your things before sprinting out of there and into a limo. Hand and Hand. Lover next to Lover.

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now