The Fair

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A/N - I would like to thank lreallylikedinosaurs
for the motivation and helping me choose what to write. You're like my favorite person on here 😭

Also Pinterest and Tiktok keep calling me out and I would like them to stop 😔🤚

I would like to note that this was requested by deathjuicedrinker but they said carnival and I grew up in a very uh southern like area on the east coast (sadly) and we called them fairs there! But anyways enjoy!


Bella and your hands were interlocked and swinging as you both walked along the fairgrounds looking at all the rides and stands. You were scanning around for two very specific stands. A country lemonade stand and a flavored root beer cart that you have been to since a kid with your dad. Today you were gonna introduce Bella to the tradition. First spotting the lemonade stand, you rushed over forgetting you still had your hands interlocked with his and almost making them fall onto the ground. Bella shot you a look which made you respond with an oopsie look.

After 10 minutes of standing in line, you had gotten your large ass lemonade and let Bella decide on where to take you both next. He was dragging you along  whole you looked precious sipping your lemonade and letting them lead you. They had to stop for autographs and photos here and there but you didn't care cause you were happy with your lemonade. Finally both of you were at the front of the line for the ferris wheel and Bella had gotten recognized many times while in the line and somehow the paparazzi had found you guys which was starting to piss you off cause they wouldn't stop taking pictures of you guys.

Finally on the ferris wheel, you both were sitting next to each other with your head on their shoulder. You had unfortunately finished your lemonade so you were enjoying Bella's company. When it was your turn to sit at the top of the ferris wheel, the view looked really great. The view being Bella of course. You were looking at her side profile while they looked at the stars in the night sky. He could see out the corner of his eye that you were staring at them so they turned to look at you and suddenly their brown eyes were staring into your eyes and you could see the love in them. Without them having to say anything, you just knew that she loved you. Slowly leaning in for a kiss, Bella cupped your face gently and the next thing you knew, his soft lips were on yours. You could taste the cherry lipstick that they stole from you by kissing you after you had applied it. It felt like fireworks were surrounding you and the butterflies in your stomach were flapping around really hard. You could slowly feel the crimson on your face creeping up to your ears and meeting at the bridge of your nose. That spark between you grew bigger and bigger and you both knew it.

She pulled back and still cupping your face with her hands, they stared into your eyes with a twinkle in his. You proceeded to move around until their head was on top of yours while yours was on their shoulder. Looking at the stars with a smile on your lips.

After a few rides and Bella telling the paparazzi to back off cause you got annoyed by them, you were walking around again and out the corner of your eye, you saw the very root beer cart that was a tradition. Completely leaving Bella in the dust to follow behind you, you raced to the cart and fell into small talk with the owner. Which you and your dad had come to be friends with. You introduced Bella to him and watched as she got along really well with him.

Picking out a flavor you loved of root beer in the mug you had pulled out of your backpack, you sipped it and moaned in delight at the taste of it (which made Bella a bit jealous.) By then you knew your social battery had run out and Bella could tell. You finished off the first mug and refilled it before saying goodbye to the owner and having Bella call an uber.

You handed Bella the second mug of flavored root beer that you had gotten for them, before stepping into the backseat of the uber and letting Bella in. Getting tired and yawning, you positioned yourself so that your head was on their lap and and your legs were curled up while falling asleep. With a hint of smile on their face, he played with your hair and sipped the root beer you had gotten her with a fulfilling feeling.


Hope you enjoyed. That took me an hour to write (not including distractions that i get easily distracted by 💀)

A friend photoshopped the picture above for an art class and it still cracks me up. Hope you find it funny too.

Now go eat and drink and get good sleep and enjoy this photo of Bella!

Now go eat and drink and get good sleep and enjoy this photo of Bella!

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Love you all lots

- Mini (Again)

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