Beach Day

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You were visiting your dad's side of the family in Maine. You were in charge of watching your 4 cousins who ranged from 4-11. When all of them complained that it was too hot out to go outside, you had an idea.

Looking at the kids, you asked. "What if we went to the beach?"

They all cheered and ran to go get their stuff. Except the 4 year old.

"Can you help me?" he asked while tugging at your shirt. You smiled and picked him up before going upstairs to get him ready. Not even 10 minutes later, all the kids were downstairs with their bathing suit on and a towel on their shoulders.

"You put on sunscreen and grabbed a change of clothes?" you questioned as they all nodded and handed you the bag with the clothing in it. Nodding, you led them out to the car and help them load in by buckling them up. Hopping in the driver's seat, you buckled in and started playing frozen. (The 4 year olds request with the complaining of the olders.) Bopping along to the music, you started driving off and just like that you were on your way to the beach.

Not even 30 minutes later, you were parked and loading the kids out. You had the oldest one grab the sand toys. The 4 year old wanted up so you picked him up snd grabbed the bag, chair and umbrella before heading down the sand. Setting the little one down, you watched him as he ran off to go join his brother and his other cousins. You set up the chair and umbrella and sat down to watch the kids. Not even 10 minutes later, all of them came up to you and dragged you out of the chair. Laughing you took off your shirt and shorts and started running to catch up to them. You were almost there when you bumped into someone. Both of you fell down onto the sand.

"I an so so so sorry." You apologized profusely while getting up before holding your hand out.

"It's okay. I think both of us weren't paying attention-" You noticed they had stopped talking. Looking down at the person, you made eye contact with them and immediately found them cute. They had a bikini top on with those long shorts on. Their brunette hair was tied up into a bun and they had sunglasses on their head like you.

Holy hell, they're hot you thought. Hearing a throat clearing, you snapped out of your thoughts and noticed they had taken your offer for help. Pulling them up, you kept apologizing and they kept saying it was fine. You heard yelling and looked over to your cousins. Smiling you pointed to them as a signal that you needed to go to them and the person nodded.

"Wait before you go, Can I get your name?" The person asked. You told then your name and they smiled.

"That's a really pretty name. My names Bella."

Bella. I like that name. You thought. Smiling, you thanked them and ran over to the kids. Running into the water, you had started splashing them. An hour had passed and the littlest one was passed out on your chest for their midday nap. You had handed out sandwiches to the other kids and they had scarfed then down before starting to play in the sand. The breeze was warm and going through your hair. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed someone jogging close to you, so you turned your head around and noticed it was Bella. You waved them over and smiled. They sat down next to you and waved to the kids.

"Fancy seeing you here," you joked while trying not to wake the littlest up. "I thought I would never see you again."

"Well how could I just leave without getting the number of one of the prettiest people I have seen." He spoke. Blushing you grabbed your phone, careful of the kid on your chest and handed it to her. They put their number in your phone and sent themselves a quick message before handing to you.

"Why thank you very much." They said while smiling. You smiled back before you started getting into conversation again. It wasn't long until the 3 other kids came up to you and complained they were getting tired. You told then to pack up their stuff so you can head home.

"Well nice to meet you." you said while trying to get up without waking the 4 year old up.

"It was nice to meet you too" She said before standing up and brushing themselves off. "Could I help you with anything?" they asked politely.

"Actually if you could fold up that umbrella and chair, I would greatly appreciate it." They nodded and started doing what you asked. He then picked it up and said to lead the way. Telling the kids to grab their stuff and go to the car, you (holding the littlest) and Bella followed them to the car. You pulled out the keys and unlocked the car so the kids could get in. You opened up the trunk for Bella to put the chair and umbrella in and for the oldest to put the sand toys in. You put the youngest in the car seat and made sure all the others were buckled before closing the van doors. You looked at Bella and thanked them for everything before giving them a hug. He walked off and you hopped into the driver's seat once again. But this time with all the kids fast asleep with smiles on their faces.

A/N- Holy shit. I think this is my longest one. Tell me if you want a part two to this where Bella and you go out on a date. Also. I will love to take requests! If you have any, PM me and I will absolutely try to do it.

- Mini

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now