Tiktok Trends

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I would love to thank russianbimb0 for this request. This would have come out faster but I've been fighting a mini cold. Again if y'all have any requests, my PMs are open!

Bella had his phone out and was showing you a video on their phone. You kept shaking your head no but he kept persisting. After five minutes of back and forth between you two, you gave in. See the thing was you and Bella had been dating for quite awhile now but no one knew except for Pedro and both of y'all's parents. If you did this trend, everyone would know. You told that to them but they said they didn't care and that it was time to go public. Smiling you finally agreed and kissed them on the lips.

You and Bella had to spin around 15 times and then try to kiss each other. Bella started up the video and put on the timer. You both stood next to each other and stood there until the sound started. You both had started spinning around careful not to bump into each other while counting your spins. As soon as you both counted 15 spins, you walked towards each other with your hands out. Bella reached you first and cupped your face before giving you a big fat kiss on your nose. You both bursted out into laughter and fell onto the ground while holding each other. After a couple of minutes of laughing while the TikTok replayed in the background, Bella got up and watched the video. He started laughing harder and flipped her hand around to show you. After you watched the full video, you started laughing again. You and Bella laughed until your stomachs hurt. They posted the video and immediately likes and comments started flowing in. You caught eye of some of the comments.

User234632: Awwwww this is really really cute

MiniMayhem373: I should do this when I get a Partner

Bellaramseyslefttoe: Congrats Bella! Looks like you found someone who made you really really happy

pedrosnotsosecretacct: FINALLY. I was sick of keeping this secret. Love you both, Pedro

You and Bella laughed a bit about Pedro's TikTok account name before you both made eye contact with each other. Smiling you took his face in your hands and kissed them softly while they reciprocated.

"I love you darling." You spoke after breaking off the kiss.

"I love you too... my Honey Butter Biscuit" Bella spoke before laughing again. You flipped them off while stalking off into the kitchen.

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now