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A/N: Hey guys. I know it's been awhile but I just want to finish this draft, (I cant remember who requested it) before I say that the book is complete. If you do want more Bella oneshots, check out my friends space-g1rl or nevaehhasyourheart. It is with a heavy heart that I now claim this book complete.

You had gotten skilled at knitting the past two years, thanks to online tutorials. It had become your favorite hobby to do. Bella had been supportive of it ever since you started. One day you decided to knit them a hat made with their favorite color.

Bella walked through the door when you walked over to them and hugged them. "I have a present for you."

"Is it another sweater? Cause I can't handle all of your hard work unraveling again." They referenced an incident 2 months ago.

"It's not. But I think you'll like this one." You handed them the hat and smiled.

"Awwww I love it! Thanks baby!" They gave you a kiss in return as a thanks for the present.

The next day

You were sitting on the couch reading a book with the tv on in the background. You were in the middle of reading when you noticed Bella on the tv, wearing your hat. You felt overjoyed to see that and turned up the volume.

"Thank you! This was made by my Partner. I know they have to be watching this broadcast so I want to say I love you."

Smiling, you felt your heart warm up at them on tv expressing their love for you.

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now