Chapter I: the Letter

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The streets of New York were as loud as ever. The cars were honking, the people were shouting, and the lights of Times Square shined brighter than the stars of the night sky. However, it's still not a safe city. A young woman gets mugged in the alleyway as the robber pushes her to the ground, he points the gun at her, grabbing her purse as he loads the gun.

"No please!" She begs for mercy as he was about to pull the trigger.

"It's not enough, next time, make more." He said, as a beaming light was blinding the whole alley. Then a light was shot at the mugger, as he was sent flying backwards, he hits the wall at the end, and falls to the ground. A figure in an all black outfit shoes up and helps her up. He picks up her purse and gives it to her.

"Obliviate." He said, as he waved his wand and walks off into the city streets. She now had the memories of the mugger getting hit by a car before he could run off.

"I hate these people in the city." Said Mark, as he walks into the homeless shelter, building, he puts his wand in his pocket, and flips off his jacket hood. Revealing a 15 year old face, he had blue eyes, and swept dark brown hair with swept bangs. He was about to check in, then sees a purple robed figure with grey long hair, and a grey long beard, a funny looking hat, half moon glasses on his eyes standing behind him through the reflections of the door, Oddly enough, he didn't seem threatening, he seemed rather calm, gentle, and understanding. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm looking for a young Wizard saving people in this part of the world." He said. "Someone like him shouldn't be around here by himself."

"Sounds like a rough life, hope he erased everyone's memory after he's done saving them." Said Mark.

"I never said anything about memories, Mark." He said. "Despite your demeanor you seem to have a regard for the rules."

"Just making sure if you're with the ministry or not." He said. "My guess is that you're not."

"Mary taught you well." He said, Mark stops what he is doing, and turns around to him, he never met someone in this city that knew his mothers name. He grabbed his wand in his pocket, just in case.

"Who are you?" Asked Mark.

"A friend." He said. "Right on time." He said as he sees an owl fly towards them both with an envelope in his beak, The owl suggests that Mark should take it. He does, and looks at the address.

"No." Said Mark.

"You didn't even open it yet." He said.

"I'm not risking it." He said. "The son of the dark lord roaming around the halls of the school full of other wizards, not the best idea." Mark then enters the homeless shelter.

"He said no...that's the first." He said under his breath. the old man follows him as Mark makes his way to his bed. "So you know." He said.

"Everything." Said Mark. "I can't just risk the wizarding world being in danger because of me."

"I don't know, I think this might be a chance." He said.

"And whats that exactly?" Mark asked.

"To prove that you're on the right side." He said. "I know who you are Mark, but the deeds from the past of others should not define you, but only you can make that choice." These words struck with Mark, he looks at the envelope, and takes a deep breath.

"Damn it." He sighed and opens it.

Dear, Mr. Obsidian

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry.

Students will be required to report to the chamber of reception upon arrival, the dates for which shall be duly advised.

Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached herewith this letter.

We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

Yours sincerely,

Professor McGonagall

"Merlin, never thought I'd actually see this." Mark said, holding the letter in his hands. "How am I gonna get out of here?" He asks.

"Come with me." The old Wizard says as he walks away from Mark's bed. The young boy waves his wand and his belongings pack themselves up in his bags. They then follow him as Mark follows the old man. They exit the building and see a tall and slim purple bus stop in front of them.

"Mind your head, man." Said a shrunken head dangling from the bus mirror.

"Oh hello mister Dumbledore, sir." Said the driver. Mark was hesitant at first, but tbis isn't the weirdest thing that happened in his life, so he steps in and enters the bus.

"One more thing, Mark." Said Dumbledore. "Don't let your fear take you over."

"Okay." He said as he continues his journey.

"Get ready man, it's going to be a bumpy ride." Said the shunken head as Mark sits on one of the bed.

"Just like home." Mark sighed as he puts his bags under his bed.

"Take it away Ernie!" Said the head, as the driver changes the joystick shift, and drives off at high speed. Dumbledore stays behind.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Mark Obsidian." Said Dumbledore, as he dissaparates from the area.

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