Chapter VI: The Unorthox Student

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Mark walks into the Slytherin common room, as he heads towards the couch in the main corridor, he sees a bunch of other slytherins gossiping about other things regarding the school. He then spots a particular looking student, one with his green and silver striped Tie wrapped around his forehead like a bandana, his long bushy brown hair in a metal head like style. He taps his wand on the table next to him like a drum stick, a crazed look in his brown eyes, and a mind full of determination, an agent of chaos in the making. Mark just sat by and just started reading.

"You seem lost my young friend..." said the student. "New student, right? We don't get those very often here." Mark doesn't say anymore words. "Silent type, I get it. The slytherin reject speaks and you try to divert the situation."

"Slytherin Reject?" Asked Mark.

"Griffin Stone, at your service." He said, his chaotic and friendly demeanor fully embraced, he reaches his hand out, mark shakes his hand, having a somewhat good feeling about him.

"Mark Obsidian." He said.

"must be weird heing the new guy, especially in a house such as this, but don't worry, we don't always bully on the other students...usually."

"I guess you haven't been around decent students much." Said Mark, trying to be as friendly as possible.

"You guessed right, my friend." Said Griffin. "What blood status are you?"

"I'm sorry?" Asked Mark.

"Pure blood or half blood?" Asked Griffin. "Don't worry, if you don't feel like talking, totally get it, don't mean to intrude or anything." He said, shrugging it off.

"No it's fine, I think I'm a half blood." Said Mark. "Im actually the child of two half bloods, I'm still confused about the pureblood thing."

"I don't really care about the whole "blood status" thing either, also I'm a pure blood so don't worry." Said Griffin.

"New 5th year, professor McGonagall wants to speak with you." Yelled a student from the other side of the room. Mark closes his book, hets up from the couch and begins his journey but griffin stops him.

"Remember my accentless friend, the darkness is a terrible place for the mind." Said Griffin. "Keep steady, and you'll go far."

"Thanks, Griffin." Said Mark as he makes his way to the exit of the common room, and into the hallway, McGonagall was waiting for him.

"Mr. Obsidian." Said McGonagall, she had a grey ponytail, glasses, a green witches gown, a classic witches hat, and a strict but fair look,

"Am I in trouble professor?" Asked Mark.

"On the contrary." She said. "However, professor Dumbledore has asked for your presence in his office."

"Great...where is it?" Asked Mark.

"Follow me." She said as they make their way across the halls. "I take it your first day was expected?" She asked.

"More or less." He said. "Please dont take this the wrong way, but I'm not very keen on the new defense against the dark arts teacher."

"Oh believe me, neither am I." She said. "No one would blame you on that." They stop at a Phoenix statue in a hollow doorway. "Acid Pops." Said McGonagall, as a spiraling staircase rises all the way up towards a tunnel where the ceiling should be. "The headmaster is waiting." She said, Mark steps on to the stairs as he walks up the spiraling staircase all the way to an office like chamber full of alive portraits of  headmasters of the past.

"Perfect timing." Said Professor Dumbledore, sitting at his desk, and standing in front of him was a familiar face,

"Mom?" Asked Mark, as Mary Obsidian rushes towards her son, holding him in her arms. "I was going to tell you, I really was."

"I know, it's okay, Dumbledore told me everything." She said, she then stops and looks at her son wearing his hogwarts robes. "It's a good look on you." She said. "I mean, I was expecting blue and bronze, or scarlet and gold but that's just me."

"Don't worry, it's not all bad there." Said Mark.

"Mrs Obsidian and I were discussing how you can catch up to the other 5th years." Said Dumbledore. "Your skills are impressive Mark, but there is much you need to learn."

"Fair enough." Said Mark, as Snape walks in from where Mark entered.

"Headmaster, obsidian." Snape greeted emotionlessly, before seeing marks mother. "...Mary." He said, his cold demeanor dropping out of shock.

"Hello, Severus." She said reluctantly.

"Mom, you know professor Snape?" Asked Mark.

"I'll tell you all about it later." She said, giving Snape a disgusted look as he glares his eyes away. Snape then hands Mark a book. "I believe this is yours." He said in his usual tone, mark grabs it.

"Ah yes, the hogwarts field guide." Said Dumbledore, everything you need to know is in these pages, and it will help you with your exams."

"That's very helpful professor, thanks." Said Mark.

"There is of course, the matter of being the son of the Dark Lord." Said Snape. Mary glares at the slytherin professor.

"Don't worry, I told Severus, and McGonagall everything." Said Dumbledore, rest assured, your secret is safe with us, however, if you decide it is time to tell the school who you are, that will be up to you." Said the headmaster.

"Thank you for understanding, professor." Said Mark. "And don't worry, this field guide shall be studied."

"Just don't take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all, Mr Obsidian." Said Snape.

"Like how you take pride in being a prick, Severus?" Said Mary, both Snape's and Mark's eyes widened in shock. Mark out of fear, and Snape out of offense.

"Thank you mrs. obsidian, that'll be all." Said Dumbledore, trying to diffuse the situation. Mary wittingly Smirks at Snape and hugs her son one last time  walks away, but stops and turns back towards Dumbledores desk. "Almost forgot." She signs a hogsmead permission form and then finally exits the office. Snape glares at Mark.

"Your mother is very...defensive...I do hope your similarities in personality are less...severe...professor McGonagall and I..."'Snape said reluctantly. "...shall answer your questions if needed to be asked, Good day, Mr.Obsidian." Said Snape, as he walks away, leaving Mark and Dumbledore alone.

"Assuming everything is in order, I believe our affair here is finished." Said Dumbledore. "I do hope the rest of the year at Hogwarts has no problems whatsoever."

"Actually, there is one." Said Mark. "Don't take this the wrong way sir, but I'm afraid of making enemies with one student...Harry Potter." He said.

"Oh yes, his connection to your father would put a damper on things." Said Dumbledore. "But just because you were born related to the dark lord, doesn't mean that you are alike." He said, reassuring the young student. "Mark, your destiny isn't set in stone, it's not our past, legacy, or our mistakes that define us, it's your choices and what you act on, and your choices alone." He said, suddenly, Mark's mind suddenly became calmer, and less afraid.

"...thank you professor." Said Mark, as Dumbledore dismissed him.

"Oh, and one more thing." Said Dumbledore.

"What is it?" Asked Mark.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Mark Obsidian." Said Dumbledore.

"...happy to be here, professor." Said Mark, as he exits the office, making his way back to the common room, until an owl flies infront of him, with a letter in its beak that had Mark's name on it. He grabs it and opens it, with a letter inside.

Meet me and Don at the three broomsticks tomorrow at 5:30 after school, if you can of course.
- Liam

"Well, it's a good thing mom signed the form." He said to himself.

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