Chapter III: The Sorting Hat

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The great hall was full of students eating on each table, representing each house. There's also a grand table for the teachers. On both sides there's the professors that teach each subject, and in the middle, was the headmaster himself, Albus Dumbledore. The whole room was a feast fit for a million kings.

"Welcome to another year of Hogwarts!" Said Dumbledore, as he stands up to speak to his students. "As you may have noticed we have two changes this year, please welcome back professor Silvanus Kettleburn as your teacher for care for magical creatures, as Professor Hagrid is on tenperorart leave." Said Dumbledore. "Also, we welcome our new Defense against the Dark Arts Teacher, professor Delores Umbridge." Everyone turns their focus on a short professor wearing all pink, with the likeness of a toad. "I'm sure you'll join me in wishing professor umbridge, good luck. Also, our caretaker, Mr filch, had asked me to-." Umbridge then stands up and walks infront of the table.

"Thank you headmaster, for those kind words of welcome..." she smiles at all the students. "....and how lovely, to see your bright happy faces, smiling up at me." The students just look confused. "I'm sure we're all going to be very, good friends..."

"That's likely." Said Fred and George with their heads resting on their hands.

"The ministry of mag-"

"Hold on!" Yelled mcgonagalls voice, as she rushes towards the teachers table with Mark following behind her as they reach the sorting seat. "Forgive me, headmaster, but there is one more sorting that must be held." Said mcgonagall, she then notices umbridge, "professor." She greeted unwillingly.

"Oh of course." Said Umbridge, who looks at Mark, who looks back at her confused. He didn't have a good feeling about her at all, but she's a teacher, so Mark just ignores her.

"Sit right here." Said mcginagall as she points towards a chair. Mark sits on it as she placed an old hat on him.

"This should be good." Said Fred and George at the same time.

"Who the bloody hell is that?" Said A blonde student in the slytherin table, eating one of the many green apples as he watches. Mark is nervous, suddenly, the hat is speaking.

"Hmm...eager...yes...eagerness, a powerful trait, and a ready mind too, though you've learned a few things before you got here...yet you wish to prove yourself...I sense greatness in you...but where to put you?...."

"...I want to prove that I'm not...that I'm not him...that's all I want." Said Mark.

"I knew I was right about you....the next heir has come at last...yes....Slytherin!" The hat yelled. The slytherin table roars with joy and happiness. Mark knew he'd be in Slytherin, he perfects his skills, and abilities every chance he gets. Mark makes his way towards the table, sitting next to the blonde boy, who somewhat greets him, but focuses back on the teachers speech. Mark noticed one of the teachers was looking at him, he had long black hair down to his neck, and black Wizard robes, his cold dark eyes fixated on him. Mark looks back at him, the teacher knows this. Mark didn't focus on Umbridge's speech, he just looked at the professor in black.

"Hey, who's that teacher in black?" Asked mark.

"Oh, that's professor Snape, the head of our house." Said the student. "Don't worry, he only usually takes points from Gryffindor house." Mark still looks at him. Who was this Snape? And what's his deal with Mark?

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