Chapter II: the Train

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After getting his books from diagon Alley, and already having his wand after being home schooled by his mother, and having his robes fitted, and getting his train ticket purchased, Mark Obsidian was finally set for Hogwarts. He walks along the train station at kings cross, No one paid any attention to him, so that's a good start. Mark then looks at his ticket and sees the location, platform 9 3/4.

"You have got to be kidding me." Said Mark. He then sees a pair of twins with red hair with what looks like their younger sister, who also had red hair.

"Remember, straight ahead." Said one of them.

"No looking back." Said the other.

"And don't mind the muggles." Said the first one again. She looked annoyed.

"Guys I know how to get to the platform!" She said.

"Aww, she's grown up so fast, Fred." He said.

"Oh George, hold me." Said Fred, shedding a fake tear as they embrace. She just rolls her eyes as they both share a laugh. "We're just kidding around Gin."

"We love you, sis." Said George.

"Yeah, I know." She said, as she runs with her cart and runs through the brick pole between 9 and 10, no crash, just a wall.

"Okay, I see it now." Said mark, as he walks towards the twins.

"Well George, our final year at Hogwarts." Said Fred.

"And our first business oppurtunity." Said George.

"Excuse me, hi." Said Mark, getting both twins attention. "So how do you, um."

"Go through the platform?" Said George.

"Yeah, this is my first time at the train station." Said Mark.

"Yeah we can tell because of the accent." Said George.

"No worries, mate. Just run straight through the wall...and watch out for house elfs." Said Fred. Mark looks at him confused. "It's a long story."

"Okay." Mark sighs, he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and pushes his cart forward as he runs towards the wall as the twins watch. The wall then turns into a different room, he then sees a bunch of other young witches and wizards with their parents or in groups, as they board a red train, with the "Hogwarts express" logo on it. It's just amazing, Mark Obsidian heading to Hogwarts. Mark never really thought he'd head there, but he heard stories from his mother, how she and her friends had many adventures together, and how she lead the quidditch team to victory. Now it's Mark's turn. He heads to the train and boards it.

"Who was that, Fred?" Asked George.

"No idea, he's American, and he's heading to our school." Said Fred.

"Transfer Student?" Said George.

"Maybe a new student?" Said Fred.

"I just hope he doesn't get between Harry and his problems this year." Said George,

"Yeah, poor guy, having to deal with the ministry, you know who's return, must be a lot." Said Fred.

"Let's not focus on that. Year 7! Let's go out with a bang! Yeah?" Asked George.

"Thought you'd never ask." Said Fred. "Come on, mums waiting." He said as they both push their carts towards the wall and run through it, disappearing.

Mark sits in one of the compartments, by himself, nothing new. Mark was never really the social type, he just wanted a new start.

"Excuse me." Said a British accent. "Is it alright if i sit with you? Everywhere else is packed." Said a young boy with swept rugged blonde hair,a youthful face, and brown eyes. "Plus you seem exhausted."

Mark Obsidian: the Son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now