Chapter thirteen: A phone is ringing ( but who is calling? )

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Griffin wasn’t taken.
He was still with them, alive and mostly alright.
Of course, they weren’t fine, no matter how much they tried to ignore it, but Finney had to admit, it didn’t bother him to not talk about it.

A few days have gone by after the sleepover – as they had called it, because they just couldn’t tell Bruce’s parents, that they were supposed to be killed by the towns magician and somehow got thrown back in time and now planned to take revenge. Yeah.. telling someone that would make the others and him sound crazy.

A small piece of bread hit him straight on the forehead and stayed tangled in his hair for a few moments before it fell down onto the table.
Puzzled Finney blinked at it, before another one hit him.

Gwen, who sat across from him, threw them.
In the past few days, especially after they prevented Griffins kidnapping, the two siblings hadn’t really spent much time together, Finney was focused on the boys while Gwen herself spent most of her time with friends, or that was what she told him.

“Finney! Did Dad call?”
“No, not really.” It was true, in the past days – now nearly a week – his father hadn’t called once- Maybe, if he didn’t knew his dad would come back soon enough, he’d be worried. But he knew his old man would come back from the funeral, drink again and stay the same.
He always stayed the same.
Maybe he changed after Finney went missing, but he didn’t knew if he did or if he just beat Gwen to just her up about her dreams and Finney.

Gwen sighed, looked at her bread again. Finney again had made himself a bowl of cereal, but had gotten lost in thoughts.

Finney grabbed the spoon and filled it with the cereal and some milk, though the cereal had gotten soft and mushy now. He frowned.

Again this stupid burning glance in his neck.. Maybe he should ask the others if they felt like this- no. He didn’t plan on telling them about the call nor the real dream, because it was not important, he told himself. He didn’t want to worry the others while they had a much bigger problem running around town.

“Yikes..” he whispered before eating it. He still felt great being able to decide what to eat, even though he now was way more reluctant to throw thing away easily.

Gwen rolled her eyes and took a bite from her bread.
“It’s your fault, if you hadn’t been dreaming again you’d have time to eat it while still crunchy.”

“You are really annoying.”

“Thanks I know. But what is on your mind?” she looked at him again. Finney shook his head.
It was a lie, but he got to be quiet good at lying to others, or so he thought.

Gwen nodded and took another bite.
“Then you are still a bit tired.” she remarked, leaving Finney just groaning.

Gwen was special, not in the way her dreams were, but in a different way. She was smart for a nine-year-old and acted older than she was. She knew when others lied to her, but Finney still hoped she’d leave it be. Because he knew, that if she knew, she’d be all over his and his friends asses to either get them to talk to the police or to let her help.
And especially the latter was something Finney wanted to avoid.

“I just haven’t slept well, alright? What about you? Didn’t you plan on staying at Suzie’s again?” Finney took another spoonful of cereal without looking at Gwen.
Ugh.. mushy cereal wasn’t something for him.

“I thought about going to the library later today. I’ve heard about a few interesting books there. Donna had told me about them.” Finney looked up, an eyebrow raised.
“You have the same taste in books as Donna?” he asked confused.
He didn’t think his sister would have a lot in common with Donna, except maybe some fashion choices or what ever it was called.

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