Chapter 16: I need to talk to you

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Finney didn’t know how long they ran. They just did. They just ran together, though he could clearly see Robins eyes tearing up.

After a few more huffed breaths, the two finally stopped. Robin didn’t let go of Finney’s hand, and neither did Finney let go of Robin’s hand. It was the only comfort the two could feel right now.

Breathing heavily, the two came to a standstill and only now really looked around.

Robin recovered faster, his breathing was the first to be close to normal again.
Finney meanwhile looked around.

They were near a park but relatively far from their homes.
"S- shall we sit down? I need a break." Finney asked, his voice still absolutely scratched and strained.

Robin swallowed and nodded. His chest was still falling and rising relatively quickly.
Finney's throat was on fire as Robin led the two into the park and they collapsed onto one of the park benches.

"He remembers, Rob.. He remembers us all." he stated softly.
The long-haired boy next to him nodded, still absolutely shocked.

"Vance will kill us for running away. And the others will be pissed too." he added with a sigh, and Finney nodded.

"That sounds perfect.. in the end not even the Grabber will kill us, but Vance or Gwen will. This will be the end of us.." he murmured and Robin next to him snorted in amusement.

It was ironic, Finney still felt his stomach filled with the paralyzing fear, and yet he sat here alone with Robin and yet he didn't feel so scared. It was like Robin somehow made all of this better..

Minutes in which the two just sat next to each other, the sun just shone on them, passed. Their hands connected all the while.

Before Robin sat up slightly and looked at Finney. His eyes, that deep and warm brown, looked so tired.

"What do we do now, Finn?" he asked, honestly sounding completely haphazard.
Finney sighed, a heavy one falling on his chest.

They couldn't judge him anymore, and the whole thing with the police now made them look like the guilty ones.

"I- I don't know to be honest. We didn't expect that. We- we thought he couldn't remember and now- now we have to pay the price.. do you think the others will be very angry?" he didn't look at Robin, and slowly released his hand.

They were filthy from their hiding place in the bush, so it would be best for them to wash themselves, but he had no idea where.
Robin leaned his head back."No idea.. We'll have to find out later.. Did he- did he hurt you? When he touched you, I mean." in the end he leaned forward again, looking directly at Finney, even though the latter tried to avoid his gaze.
He felt his cheeks getting red and kneaded his hands.
Robin worried about him.

"He touched you too and you're asking me if I'm okay? But.. yes. Other than making me feel gross where he touched me, it's okay I guess.. How about you?"

Robin seemed relieved, leaning more into Finney and nodding.
"I know I know.. But I'm alive Finn, I can help you now. I can protect you. And then.. when I believe that I can finally be there for you again, he touches you.. and I'm frozen. I was so angry and at the same time I- I was scared to death Finn. And the only thing I was thinking about is getting you out of there." he confessed and spoke his soul from his body. He just had to say it.

Finney looked at Robin. He felt like he just wanted to cry again, but this time because he felt so-so touched. He loved that feeling.
"Robin.. in the basement you were my motivation to get out of this.. I- I was hoping you were still alive somehow.. I – I know it was stupid, but- I wanted to believe you were alive and waiting for me to get out." he said, laughed lightly and looked at Robin. He knew it was naive and stupid to think like this, and some part of him knew even back then, that Robin had to be dead, but hope was a funny thing.
As long as you were able to hold onto something, hope was the last thing to die.
And it died with Robins call.

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