Chapter 23: Living the life they never could ( no matter what)

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"Bye dad! Gwen and I are going outside with the others.. Yeah Robin will pick us up." he informed his father.

Their relationship still was.. weird. Finn didn't feel like he could trust him in any way, and yet his father tried to at least be a sometimes decent dad. Finn didn't know if his father really deserved this redemption, after all he had hurt him and Gwen so many times it was hard to count. He had damaged them in more than one way, and yet he just sat in the living room reading the newspaper and nodded.

"Don't get in any car- I mean be careful you two." he just sighed, and Finn nodded.

Nobody besides the ones who died and Gwen knew that Finn didn't just trust this man. No he had made a trap for him, a trap to end him for all eternity.

But they couldn't know that Finn and the others weren't from this time. They couldn't know that they had died or suffered from the hands of this man before, and that something or someone has brought them back. They couldn't know that Griffin was supposed to be in the same basement where they had fought for their lives and won.

That today Griffin was supposed to be killed.

For two months Griffin was kept in literal hell, only to be murdered.

For a moment acid rose in Finn’s throat, but he just swallowed it.

“We're gonna be out a bit.” he called into the living room, as he and Gwen left the house.

“What do you think Robin has planned for today?” Gwen slightly tilted her head, while Finn just shrugged.

In the past few weeks, after they were released from the hospital and things slowly returned to a more normal state, Robin always had ideas to spend weekends or evenings together. Whether it be watching movies, game nights or - in Griffin’s words “Finding out who we were before”- something where they would go into the old room or a place the person had lots of stuff in and they could geuss old interests.

With this they were able to find out that Griffin had a hidden stash of poetry books and seemingly self written poems from a few years back.

But the old memories of the kids really never did come back. Maybe they felt a sense of belonging or something similar. Deja vu.

But nothing clear.

At first, it caused a lot of frustration, as the kids really realized that they had lost some part. They had sacrifices for their second chance at life, but they took it with great gratitude.

Because now, they could live.

They were alive and mostly well..

They still didn’t go anywhere alone, and Finn himself was almost arrested one time because he tried attacking a guy who said that they shouldn’t have killed Albert and that the boys themselves were at fault for everything that happened.

Even Bruce, who Finn and the others knew was very capable of murder, looked like he was about to smash another skull in. But Max was able to stop them, and was even capable of convincing the guy they almost beat up and were ready to kill, not to do anything.

“He probably has something big up his sleeve.. you know like Griff’s mom who went with him to this one festival the town over? Something big like this probably.” he suggested, and Gwen’s eyes lit up for a moment.

“You know he probably has convinced his uncle to take us somewhere, or maybe Max.” she leaned forward, looking onto the street as a car drove by.

Another thing they would probably never get rid of, the fear of an unsupervised street, the cars that drove by. The fear of what wicked being could hide inside of it, waiting for a moment where the control slipped out of the hands of the boys. A moment where they could be victims again.

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